BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1987alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20190407T111500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20190407T235900 URL: e LOCATION:Zuiderhagen 35\, 7511 GJ Enschede\, Netherlands SUMMARY:NISEI Store Champs - Enschede CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nAll runners are warmly invited to the first ever Netrunner NI SEI Store Championships in Enschede. These will be hosted by the Comicasa gamestore and will take place either in store or at a very conveniently cl oseby gaming friendly lunch/burger place\, where we will book our own priv ate hall.\n\n** NISEI set 1: "\;Ashes - Downfall"\; is legal at th is event.**\n\n↳ TIMES\n\nStart: 11.00\nEnd: 17.00/18.00\n\n↳ DETAILS\ n\nLegal: Nisei set 1: Ashes - Downfall\nMWL: Nisei 3.1\nTO: Elwin / Jakuz a\nFunds: € 10\,-\n\nThis will be a casual event. Decklists are not requ ired. Proxies are allowed\, just make sure they are sleeved\, easily recog nizable and are at roughly a similar thickness as the other cards in the d eck. Proxies for Ashes are explicitly allowed.\n↳ LOCATION\n\nComicasa g amestore\nAddress: Zuiderhagen 35\nIf our group ends up too large\, we'll move things to a very nearby gaming friendly burger/lunch place were we wi ll book our own small hall.\n\n↳ LOOT\n\nWe'll crack open a NISEI Store Championship kit\, containing:\nTop 1: Bye for Nisei Regionals (at 8+ atte ndance)\nTop 4: Awesome new Kati Jones &\; Az playmat\nTop 8: 2x Alt ar t Embezzle by bluehg\nEveryone: At least 1x Alt art Crowdfunding by Cat Sh en\n\n↳ The TO will likely throw in extra loot based on attendance. Ther e is even talk of a new laser thing.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



All runners are warmly invited to the first ever Netrunner NISEI Store Championships in E nschede. These will be hosted by the Comicasa gamestore and will take plac e either in store or at a very conveniently closeby gaming friendly lunch/ burger place\, where we will book our own private hall.


** NISEI set 1: "\;Ashes - Downfall"\; is legal at this event.**






This wi ll be a casual event. Decklists are not required. Proxies are allowed\, ju st make sure they are sleeved\, easily recognizable and are at roughly a s imilar thickness as the other cards in the deck. Proxies for Ashes are exp licitly allowed.






↳ The TO will likely thro w in extra loot based on attendance. There is even talk of a new laser thi ng.