BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1977alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20190427T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20190427T235900 URL: ps LOCATION:LG Baileys Corner\, 150 London Circuit\, Canberra ACT 2601\, Austr alia SUMMARY:Canberra Store Championships CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:NISEI Store Championship Season is upon us so it's time for Can berra to work out whose cuisine reigns supreme! If not\, at least we'll kn ow who has a bye to regionals and a sweet new mousepad.\nThe venue is fami liar - Guild will be looking after us yet again. However the card pool wil l not. Downfall will have been released a week or two earlier and will hav e just become tournament legal. So block out some time to build something new and exciting... or to pick something orange and something green from t he popular decks on netrunnerdb. Either way\, NEW CARDS!!!\nEntry is $15. Prize support is a 2019 NISEI Store Championship Kit with a few extras thr own in - especially for newer players. We'll have lunch together after the first round. It's a great way to meet other people in the community and t o keep the venue happy to have us all there so often.\nKeep an eye out on the facebook group linked on this page for a weeknight practice event in t he lead up to the tournament. Whether you're fine tuning decks you hope to take you to the final table or getting your head around the basics\, it'l l be a great way to have a few fun games and to prepare for the tournament .\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

NISEI Store Championship Season is upon us so it's time for Canberra to work out whose cuisine reigns supreme! If not \, at least we'll know who has a bye to regionals and a sweet new mousepad .


The venue is familiar - Guild will be looking after us yet again . However the card pool will not. Downfall will have been released a week or two earlier and will have just become tournament legal. So block out so me time to build something new and exciting... or to pick something orange and something green from the popular decks on netrunnerdb. Either way\, N EW CARDS!!!


Entry is $15. Prize support is a 2019 NISEI Store Cham pionship Kit with a few extras thrown in - especially for newer players. W e'll have lunch together after the first round. It's a great way to meet o ther people in the community and to keep the venue happy to have us all th ere so often.


Keep an eye out on the facebook group linked on this page for a weeknight practice event in the lead up to the tournament. Whe ther you're fine tuning decks you hope to take you to the final table or g etting your head around the basics\, it'll be a great way to have a few fu n games and to prepare for the tournament.