BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1973alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20190216T133000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20190216T235900 URL: LOCATION:L08-23\, Wangsa 118\, 8\, Jalan Wangsa Delima\, Wangsa Maju\, 5330 0 Kuala Lumpur\, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur\, Malaysia SUMMARY:ANRMY Nisei Q1 GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Its that time again! A new season of intrigue has arrived!\nDus t off your boxes and sleeve your cards! Runners will once again harass cor porations to get that sweet mother lode of data and corporations will do e verything they can to enact their schemes before their servers are comprom ised\, from requesting sinister shipments from the Tennin Institute to pla nting Snares! in cyber corridors.\nThe prize for this struggle: access to the Nisei Q1 GNK lootbox! Run well and run fast\, Runners\, unless you wan t to be caught by Rashida!\n\nANRMY Nisei Q1 GNK\nDate: 16th February 2019 \nTime: 1pm - 6pm\nVenue:\nHideout Gaming Club\nL08-23\, Wangsa 118\, 8\, Jalan Wangsa Delima\, Wangsa Maju\, 53300 Kuala Lumpur\, Wilayah Persekutu an Kuala Lumpur\nEntry fee: RM25\nFormat: Nisei Standard\n /files/Formats_-_November_2018.pdf\nSwiss\nLoot:\n1st prize: 1 Playmat + 1 Titan Transnational alt art ID\n2nd &\; 3rd prize: 1 Titan Transnation al alt art ID + 1 Rashida Jaheem\nParticipation: 2 Rashida Jaheems\nThere will be a raffle too\, special prizes to be won!\nProxies will be allowed. Either printed versions of the actual cards (sourced from NRDB) or using these templates:\n\nh ttp://\nOpaqu e sleeves ya'all.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Its that time again! A new season of intrig ue has arrived!


Dust off your boxes and sleeve your cards! Runners will once again harass corporations to get that sweet mother lode of data and corporations will do everything they can to enact their schemes befor e their servers are compromised\, from requesting sinister shipments from the Tennin Institute to planting Snares! in cyber corridors.


The p rize for this struggle: access to the Nisei Q1 GNK lootbox! Run well and r un fast\, Runners\, unless you want to be caught by Rashida!




Date: 16th February 2019


Time: 1pm - 6pm


Venue:\nHideout Gaming Club\nL08-23\, Wangsa 118\, 8\, Jalan Wangsa Delima\, Wangsa Maju\, 53300 Kuala Lumpur\, Wilayah Persekutuan Kua la Lumpur


Entry fee: RM25


Format: Nisei Standard\nhttp://n






1st prize: 1 Playmat + 1 Titan Transnational alt art ID\n2nd &\; 3 rd prize: 1 Titan Transnational alt art ID + 1 Rashida Jaheem\nParticipati on: 2 Rashida Jaheems


There will be a raffle too\, special prizes to be won!


Proxies will be allowed. Either printed versions of the actual cards (sourced from NRDB) or using these templates:\nhttp://nisei. net/files/Handwritten_Proxy_Template.pdf\n en_Proxy_Template_%28Textless%29.pdf


Opaque sleeves ya'all.