BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1971alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Perth:20190330T101500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Perth:20190330T235900 URL: on-western-australia LOCATION:21 Liege St\, Cannington WA 6107\, Australia SUMMARY:2019 Netrunner SC\, Cannington Western Australia CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The first store champs since Nisei have taken the Netrunner rei gns is upon us\, and the good folks at GG Cannington have on again graciou sly agreed to host us\; yay for our FLGS.\nThe details:\n\n\nPrice: $15\n\ n\nPrizes:\n\n\nWinner: Round 1 Bye for Regional Champs\nTop 4: Playmat de picting an upcoming card from the new Ashes Cycle\, has Kati Jones in it\n Top 8: 2 x alt-art Embezzle\nParticipation and Door Prizes: A few more Emb ezzles and 2 or 3 alt-art Crowdfunding.\n\nFormat: Standard (see http://ni but with MWL 3.1 in effect (see and Downfall\, the first release of th e new Ashes set\, will be legal (see\n\ nIf you're not sure which cards qualify or if your deck is legal\, feel fr ee to PM me for clarification.\nThis is a casual tier event\, so no need f or decklists. You can also proxy whatever cards you like\, just make sure they're legible (especially the new Downfall cards as they'll all be prett y new).\nMore details on event policies and rules can be found at http://n or you can just ask me.\nDepending on numbers and ho w we go on the day\, it's like that we'll only get through Swiss. The play ers who make the cut can then reconvene elsewhere that night or at GG or a nother venue another day\, or even over Jinteki if it comes to it. We'll w ork it out on the day.\nAlwaysBeRunning Event Link for further registratio n: on-western-australia\nTL\;DR: does what it says on the tin.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The first store champs since Nisei have tak en the Netrunner reigns is upon us\, and the good folks at GG Cannington h ave on again graciously agreed to host us\; yay for our FLGS.


The details:

  1. \n

    Price: $15

  2. \n
  3. \n


  4. \n

Winner: Round 1 Bye for Regional Champs\nTop 4: Playmat d epicting an upcoming card from the new Ashes Cycle\, has Kati Jones in it\ nTop 8: 2 x alt-art Embezzle\nParticipation and Door Prizes: A few more Em bezzles and 2 or 3 alt-art Crowdfunding.

  1. Format : Standard (see bu t with MWL 3.1 in effect (see and Downfall\, the first release of the new Ashes set\, will be legal (see htt p://
  2. \n

If you're not sure which c ards qualify or if your deck is legal\, feel free to PM me for clarificati on.


This is a casual tier event\, so no need for decklists. You ca n also proxy whatever cards you like\, just make sure they're legible (esp ecially the new Downfall cards as they'll all be pretty new).


More details on event policies and rules can be found at esources or you can just ask me.


Depending on numbers and how we g o on the day\, it's like that we'll only get through Swiss. The players wh o make the cut can then reconvene elsewhere that night or at GG or another venue another day\, or even over Jinteki if it comes to it. We'll work it out on the day.


AlwaysBeRunning Event Link for further registrati on: ton-western-australia


TL\;DR: does what it says on the tin.