BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1966alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190420T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190420T235900 URL: -championship LOCATION:42-44 Buccleuch St\, Edinburgh EH8 9LP\, UK SUMMARY:Theophilius Bagpiper Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We're having a store champ!\nI really struggled for an opening sentence that didn't sound weird or unnatural and that's where we've ended up.\nOh well.\nRegistration is from 12\, which is when the venue opens an d finishes promptly at 12:30 to make sure we get finished at a reasonable time. The format is Standard and proxies are welcome. Entry is £10 and pr izes are as follows:\nTop 4 - Playmat\nTop 8 - 2x Embezzle\nTop 32 - 1x Cr owdfunding\nIn addition\, as long as we get eight attendees the winner wil l receive a Regional Championship bye.\nDecklists will not be required. Nu mber of Swiss rounds will be dependent on attendance and a cut to top four or eight will follow. Further details on event rules and structure can be found here:\n\nThe Nisei Code of Conduct wil l be enforced during the event and can be found here:\n out/code-of-conduct\nIf there are any queries or concerns in advance of th e event please direct them to me (Seamus).\nHope to see you there!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
We're having a store champ!
\nI reall y struggled for an opening sentence that didn't sound weird or unnatural a nd that's where we've ended up.
\nOh well.
\nRegistration is f rom 12\, which is when the venue opens and finishes promptly at 12:30 to m ake sure we get finished at a reasonable time. The format is Standard and proxies are welcome. Entry is £10 and prizes are as follows:
\nTop 4 - Playmat\nTop 8 - 2x Embezzle\nTop 32 - 1x Crowdfunding
\nIn addi tion\, as long as we get eight attendees the winner will receive a Regiona l Championship bye.
\nDecklists will not be required. Number of Swis s rounds will be dependent on attendance and a cut to top four or eight wi ll follow. Further details on event rules and structure can be found here:
\nThe Nisei Code of Conduct w ill be enforced during the event and can be found here:
\nIf there are any queries or concerns in advance of the event please direct them to me (Seamus).
\nHope to see you there!