BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1964alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20190324T140000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20190324T235900 URL: LOCATION:73\, James Wattstraat\, 1097 DL Amsterdam\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Nisei Pubrunner GNK 2.0 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We are back in business!\nPubrunner is a netrunner meet-up in a bar (or pub\, for you Brits) instead of a game shop. The idea is to play our favorite game while enjoying a few drinks. We will run a lowkey tourna ment\, or GNK\, perfect for both competitive players and newcomers.\nThe p rize support is Nisei's GNK Q1 kit. A playset of Rashida's for participati ng\, Titan alt art for top 4\, and a gorgeous playmat for the King/Queen o f swiss.\n==Practical info==\n\nThe first round starts at 14.00. Please be there a bit early.\nEntree fee is € 6.\nLocation is the cosy House of W att in Amsterdam\, right next to Amsterdam Amstel station. They serve lots of drinks and you can have food afterwards.\nNisei's Standard format\, SC 19 and MWL 3.1 are in effect.\nNo decklists needed\, proxies are allowed.\ nWe will run 3 or 4 rounds of swiss\, no top cut.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

We are back in business!


Pubrunner is a netrunner meet-up in a bar (or pub\, for you Brits) instead of a game shop. The idea is to play our favorite game while enjoying a few drinks. We will run a lowkey tournament\, or GNK\, perfect for both competitive pl ayers and newcomers.


The prize support is Nisei's GNK Q1 kit. A pl ayset of Rashida's for participating\, Titan alt art for top 4\, and a gor geous playmat for the King/Queen of swiss.


==Practical info==