BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1955alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190324T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190324T235900 URL: ip LOCATION:36-42 Union St\, Sheffield S1 2JP\, UK SUMMARY:Sheffield Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:It’s time to jack back in! We are excited to announce our 201 9 Netrunner store championship. Boot up and run some servers at our first Nisei event and take home some excellent prizes.\n======================== =============================\nDoors open: 10:00am\nRegistration starts: 1 0:05am\nRound one starts: 11:00am\nEntry cost: £10 in advance £12 on the day - Tickets\n=====================================================\nFor mat: Nisei standard - cardpool and MWL can be found here op/supported-formats\nRound time: 65 minute swiss rounds\, 40 minute doubl e-elimination rounds\nDecklists: required\nStructure:\nUp to 8 players - 3 rounds\, no cut\n9-24 players - 4 rounds\, top 4\n25-32 players - 4 round s\, top 8\n=====================================================\nPrize su pport:\nThe top 32 players can count on their backers to support their run s with an alternate art Crowdfunding.\nThe top 8 players will each receive two copies of an alternate art Embezzle with which to not only destroy\, but profit from corp secrets.\nThe top 4 players receive a limited orange- backed playmat featuring new-runner-on-the-block Az McCaffrey making a spe ctacular getaway courtesy of old friend Kati Jones.\nThe winner will not o nly receive the title of Patriot Games store champion but will also obtain a bye to be used at a regional championship later in the year (bye only a warded if there are 8+ players).\n======================================== =============\nHave any questions?\nMessage us\n@PatriotGames\nEmail us\ne\nCall us\n0114 2731762\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

It’s time to jack back in! We are excited to announce our 2019 Netrunner store championship. Boot up and run some s ervers at our first Nisei event and take home some excellent prizes.




Doors ope n: 10:00am\nRegistration starts: 10:05am\nRound one starts: 11:00am\nEntry cost: £10 in advance £12 on the day - Tickets




Format: Nise i standard - cardpool and MWL can be found here ted-formats\nRound time: 65 minute swiss rounds\, 40 minute double-elimina tion rounds\nDecklists: required


Structure:\nUp to 8 players - 3 r ounds\, no cut\n9-24 players - 4 rounds\, top 4\n25-32 players - 4 rounds\ , top 8



\ n

Prize support:


The top 32 players can count on their backers t o support their runs with an alternate art Crowdfunding.


The top 8 players will each receive two copies of an alternate art Embezzle with wh ich to not only destroy\, but profit from corp secrets.


The top 4 players receive a limited orange-backed playmat featuring new-runner-on-th e-block Az McCaffrey making a spectacular getaway courtesy of old friend K ati Jones.


The winner will not only receive the title of Patriot G ames store champion but will also obtain a bye to be used at a regional ch ampionship later in the year (bye only awarded if there are 8+ players).\n



Have any questions?


Message us\n@PatriotGames


Email us\nevents@


Call us\n0114 2731762