BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1943alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20190420T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20190420T235900 URL: ip-utrecht-april-20-2019 SUMMARY:Netrunner Store Championship Utrecht april 20 2019 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come one\, come all! It's time for another store championship i n the central heart of the country! We've got place for up to 24 people in this tournament. We've got prizes for days!\nPlanning:\nOpen doors at 11: 00\nStart at 11:30\nLunch around 13:40\nEnd ~17:30\nWe'll do four rounds o f swiss. A top cut will be added if we get 16 players or more.\nPrize supp ort: Full 2019 NISEI Store Championship kit\, Full Q3 2018 kit (17x Full a rt Black Orchestra\, 3x full art NGO front\, 2x Anarch click trackers). 2 additional playmats\, full art Boom!\, full art Magnum Opus (hur hur hur)\ , deck boxes from earlier kits and a nice plaque for the winner.\nPrice: 1 2 euro's\nDrinks will be available at the location.\nWe hope to see you al l there runners and corps!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Come one\, come all! It's time for another store championship in the central heart of the country! We've got place fo r up to 24 people in this tournament. We've got prizes for days!


P lanning:\nOpen doors at 11:00\nStart at 11:30\nLunch around 13:40\nEnd ~17 :30


We'll do four rounds of swiss. A top cut will be added if we g et 16 players or more.


Prize support: Full 2019 NISEI Store Champi onship kit\, Full Q3 2018 kit (17x Full art Black Orchestra\, 3x full art NGO front\, 2x Anarch click trackers). 2 additional playmats\, full art Bo om!\, full art Magnum Opus (hur hur hur)\, deck boxes from earlier kits an d a nice plaque for the winner.


Price: 12 euro's


Drinks wi ll be available at the location.


We hope to see you all there runn ers and corps!