BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1908alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20190203 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20190204 URL: t-cut SUMMARY:Nisei Core Experience Event Cut CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This is the cut for last weeks 2 day multi-swiss event\, the fo llowing information is for the event as a whole.\n\nSign ups:\nlink\nAnnou ncing the first NISEI Core Experience Online Tournament!\nFollowing the su ccess of our Eternal tournament in November\, we invite you to join us on once more for a tournament that takes a diametrically opposite approach in terms of card pool! This will use the Core Experience format\ , meaning only a single copy of System Core 2019. When building your decks \, be sure to observe the quantities correct for a single copy of SC19\, a s detailed here:…/1ECIihkYO9xvQfnsVUQicsY_SWp …/view\nThis tournament will feature TWO separate days of Swiss\, on Sat urday 26 and Sunday 27 of January\, with different starting times to make the tournament friendly to both NA and EU time zones! Results will be comb ined into a single standings table\, and the top cut will take place on Su nday 3 February.\nRegistration is free. Top 8 will receive NISEI Q1 GNK pr izes\, and everyone playing will be entered into a raffle for a Q1 playmat and a full playset of Crowdfunding from our Store Championships kit.\nPle ase note that the article on the poster won't be going live until tomorrow . Until then\, follow this link for registration: …/1FAIpQLSec3Xnfy9TvGTuJsb…/viewform\nWe're happy to announce that our friends at Métropole Grid and Trace Five are returning to stream the Swi ss rounds\, and we'll be joined by Dan Spinosa of Self-Modifying Code to s tream the top cut! Follow Métropole Grid at el/UCQ7hPuO4R15t0qAKnjFi-Iw\, Trace Five at l/UCNh1ufhc1xCa26M0nYurpNQ\, and Self-Modifying Code at https://www.youtub to be notified of them going live!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
This is the cut for last weeks 2 day multi- swiss event\, the following information is for the event as a whole.
\nSign ups:
\n\nAnnouncing the first NISEI Core Experience Online Tournamen t!
\nFollowing the success of our Eternal tournament in November\, w e invite you to join us on once more for a tournament that tak es a diametrically opposite approach in terms of card pool! This will use the Core Experience format\, meaning only a single copy of System Core 201 9. When building your decks\, be sure to observe the quantities correct fo r a single copy of SC19\, as detailed here:…/1 ECIihkYO9xvQfnsVUQicsY_SWp…/view
\nThis tournament will feature TW O separate days of Swiss\, on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 of January\, with different starting times to make the tournament friendly to both NA and EU time zones! Results will be combined into a single standings table\, and the top cut will take place on Sunday 3 February.
\nRegistration is free. Top 8 will receive NISEI Q1 GNK prizes\, and everyone playing will b e entered into a raffle for a Q1 playmat and a full playset of Crowdfundin g from our Store Championships kit.
\nPlease note that the article o n the poster won't be going live until tomorrow. Until then\, follow this link for registration:…/1FAIpQLSec3Xnfy9TvGTuJs b…/viewform
\nWe're happy to announce that our friends at Métropo le Grid and Trace Five are returning to stream the Swiss rounds\, and we'l l be joined by Dan Spinosa of Self-Modifying Code to stream the top cut! F ollow Métropole Grid at njFi-Iw\, Trace Five at YurpNQ\, and Self-Modifying Code at ats to be notified of them going live!