BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1898alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Detroit:20190216T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Detroit:20190216T235900 URL: tore-championship LOCATION:3773 Carpenter Rd\, Ypsilanti\, MI 48197\, USA SUMMARY:Ann Arbor/Ypsi 2019 NISEI Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:NOTE: Because this event has already been scheduled before MWL 3.1 takes effect (2/22)\, WE WILL STILL BE USING MWL 3.0.\nWelcome to the first NISEI Netrunner Store Championship.\nEntry Fee: $10\n8 Person minimu m.\nRegistration will start at 12:00 PM until 12:50 PM. The first round wi ll start promptly at 1 PM.\nThis is a Casual Tier event. Tournaments at th is tier are welcoming to all players\, regardless of experience level. The focus is on creating a fun and friendly environment.\nThis is a Standard Event (using System Core 2019\, 2019 rotation\, and MWL 3.0).\nWe'll adher e to the most recent NISEI Organized Play Policies. The number of players determine the number of rounds and the top cut according to the rules. It' s expected to be 4 rounds with a cut to top 4. If we get less than 16 play ers\, I'll check with players if they still want a top cut.\nI plan on rec ording and posting the top cut games.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

NOTE: Because this event has already been s cheduled before MWL 3.1 takes effect (2/22)\, WE WILL STILL BE USING MWL 3 .0.


Welcome to the first NISEI Netrunner Store Championship.


Entry Fee: $10\n8 Person minimum.


Registration will start at 12 :00 PM until 12:50 PM. The first round will start promptly at 1 PM.

\n< p>This is a Casual Tier event. Tournaments at this tier are welcoming to a ll players\, regardless of experience level. The focus is on creating a fu n and friendly environment.


This is a Standard Event (using System Core 2019\, 2019 rotation\, and MWL 3.0).


We'll adhere to the mos t recent NISEI Organized Play Policies. The number of players determine th e number of rounds and the top cut according to the rules. It's expected t o be 4 rounds with a cut to top 4. If we get less than 16 players\, I'll c heck with players if they still want a top cut.


I plan on recordin g and posting the top cut games.