BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1891alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190209T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190209T235900 URL: LOCATION:9 Gracechurch St\, London EC3V 0DR\, UK SUMMARY:Netrunner GNK - NISEI Q1 kit CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Netrunner is dead ... LONG LIVE NETRUNNER.\nWe've got a NISEI Q 1 GNK kit. It's lovely. Come and win a bit of it. There will be alt-art Ra shida Jaheems for all\, alt-art Titan Transnationals for the top 4\, and a lovely shiny mat for the winner.\n11:00 for an 11:30 start. 4 or 5 rounds depending on numbers and enthusiasm\, no cut. We'll stick the price at £ 5 just in case hardly anybody turns up\, but it'll probably be a bit less. Because you're all coming. Right? Right.\nWe'll be using NISEI standard f ormat and NISEI's floor rules - link below. No decklists required. PROXIES ARE ALLOWED. This will be a nice\, relaxed\, casual affair\, so if you're only just starting out\, or haven't yet taken the plunge into organised p lay\, then this is the event for you.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Netrunner is dead ... LONG LIVE NETRUNNER.< /p>\n

We've got a NISEI Q1 GNK kit. It's lovely. Come and win a bit of i t. There will be alt-art Rashida Jaheems for all\, alt-art Titan Transnati onals for the top 4\, and a lovely shiny mat for the winner.


11:00 for an 11:30 start. 4 or 5 rounds depending on numbers and enthusiasm\, n o cut. We'll stick the price at £5 just in case hardly anybody turns up\, but it'll probably be a bit less. Because you're all coming. Right? Right .


We'll be using NISEI standard format and NISEI's floor rules - l ink below. No decklists required. PROXIES ARE ALLOWED. This will be a nice \, relaxed\, casual affair\, so if you're only just starting out\, or have n't yet taken the plunge into organised play\, then this is the event for you.