BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1887alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190210T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190210T235900 URL: LOCATION:18 Pitt St\, Sheffield S1 4DD\, UK SUMMARY:Sheffield Q1 Netrunner GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come and play some Netrunner and win some fantastic prizes!\nAs well as the Nisei Q1 GNK kit we also have two FFG playmats (Wotan and May a) so the top 3 will all win a mat! And there are Titan IDs and Rashidas t oo.\nWe've got the upstairs room at The Red Deer for the afternoon. They d o great beer and have a full Sunday menu (as well as bar snacks)\, so if y ou've always fancied eating a roast dinner whilst you break a Firewall the n this is your chance.\nRegistration from 12:30. Event starts at 13:00. £ 5 entry (pay on the day).\nNisei standard format for deck-building and the latest MWL will apply. Unless we get an astonishing amount of people we w ill likely play 3 rounds.\nThere's some on-street parking not far from The Red Deer but the easiest parking option is probably on Broad Lane opposit e the turning to Mappin Street (the is £1 for the whole day). Coming via public transport\, the pub is a short walk from the University of Sheffiel d tram stop or about 20 minutes walk from Sheffield station.\nAny question s just send me a message and I'll do my best to answer!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Come and play some Netrunner and win some f antastic prizes!


As well as the Nisei Q1 GNK kit we also have two FFG playmats (Wotan and Maya) so the top 3 will all win a mat! And there a re Titan IDs and Rashidas too.


We've got the upstairs room at The Red Deer for the afternoon. They do great beer and have a full Sunday menu (as well as bar snacks)\, so if you've always fancied eating a roast dinn er whilst you break a Firewall then this is your chance.


Registrat ion from 12:30. Event starts at 13:00. £5 entry (pay on the day).


Nisei standard format for deck-building and the latest MWL will apply. Un less we get an astonishing amount of people we will likely play 3 rounds.< /p>\n

There's some on-street parking not far from The Red Deer but the e asiest parking option is probably on Broad Lane opposite the turning to Ma ppin Street (the is £1 for the whole day). Coming via public transport\, the pub is a short walk from the University of Sheffield tram stop or abou t 20 minutes walk from Sheffield station.


Any questions just send me a message and I'll do my best to answer!