BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1886alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20190420T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20190420T235900 URL: ook-shop-wilmington-de LOCATION:1855 Marsh Rd\, Wilmington\, DE 19810\, USA SUMMARY:Store Champ at The Comic Book Shop\, Wilmington\, DE CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:A Netrunner Store Championship. We will be using NISEI's lovely store championship kit\, which you can see more details of here: http://n\nRegistration:\nThere should be more than enough space at the venue\, but because space is capped at 24\, I am asking peop le to register for the event before hand here: e/netrunner-store-championship-at-the-comic-book-shop-wilmington-de-ticket s-55418606544\nCost:\nPrice for entry is 10 dollars payable to me\, Sanjay \, on the day of the event.\nFormat:\nThe format will be NISEI standard\, which you can see more details about here: ormats.\nYou can also review other important info about rules and such her e:\nTiming:\nThe event will go from 11 AM to approximately 8 PM. We will have about 4-5 rounds of swiss\, followed by a cut to top 4 with one break in the middle of swiss rounds and one break before the cut.\nPlease arrive about 15-30 minutes before 11 so we can get people signed in and ready to go. If you will be running late (and try no t to) please reach out to me.\nProxies and card availability:\nWith the ga me out of print\, card availability can be tricky. Players without easy ac cess to cards they would like to play are encouraged to take advantage of proxy cards being legal. We will be using the proxy policy spelled out on page 2 and 3 of Organized Play policies:\n _Play_Policies.pdf\nAdditionally\, let me know if you are having issues ge tting a deck together for the tournament. On a limited basis\, we may be a ble to lend out decks for the day\, but only with advanced notice.\nVenue: \nI am very excited to be having a tournament at The Comic Book Shop\, whi ch is the friendliest store I've ever been to. Attendees are encouraged to check them out between games\, be respectful of the venue\, and be kind a nd courteous to staff.\nAdditionally\, players (and organizers) are expect ed to read and follow the NISEI code of conduct\, which you can read here:\nFood:\nThere are multiple food op tions within extremely easy walking distance and easy walking distance. I personally recommend El Diablo Burrito\, which is in a shopping center qui te close by to the store.\nBathrooms:\nThere is one single-occupancy gende r neutral restroom. Attendees are expected to treat it with respect and ki ndness also.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

A Netrunner Store Championship. We will be using NISEI's lovely store championship kit\, which you can see more detai ls of here:



\n< p>There should be more than enough space at the venue\, but because space is capped at 24\, I am asking people to register for the event before hand here: mic-book-shop-wilmington-de-tickets-55418606544




Pric e for entry is 10 dollars payable to me\, Sanjay\, on the day of the event .




The format will be NISEI standard\, which you ca n see more details about here:

\ n

You can also review other important info about rules and such here: ht tp://




The event will go from 11 AM to approximately 8 PM. We will have about 4-5 rounds of swiss\, fol lowed by a cut to top 4 with one break in the middle of swiss rounds and o ne break before the cut.


Please arrive about 15-30 minutes before 11 so we can get people signed in and ready to go. If you will be running late (and try not to) please reach out to me.


Proxies and card ava ilability:


With the game out of print\, card availability can be t ricky. Players without easy access to cards they would like to play are en couraged to take advantage of proxy cards being legal. We will be using th e proxy policy spelled out on page 2 and 3 of Organized Play policies:



Additional ly\, let me know if you are having issues getting a deck together for the tournament. On a limited basis\, we may be able to lend out decks for the day\, but only with advanced notice.




I am very exci ted to be having a tournament at The Comic Book Shop\, which is the friend liest store I've ever been to. Attendees are encouraged to check them out between games\, be respectful of the venue\, and be kind and courteous to staff.


Additionally\, players (and organizers) are expected to rea d and follow the NISEI code of conduct\, which you can read here: http://n




There are multiple fo od options within extremely easy walking distance and easy walking distanc e. I personally recommend El Diablo Burrito\, which is in a shopping cente r quite close by to the store.




There is one sin gle-occupancy gender neutral restroom. Attendees are expected to treat it with respect and kindness also.