BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1872alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190428T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190428T235900 URL: -2019 LOCATION:79 Station Rd\, Taunton TA1 1PB\, UK SUMMARY:Taunton Store Championship 2019 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We'd love to welcome you to Taunton for our first Store Champio nship\, on the very last day of the season! As usual\, we'll have some jui cy prize support available on top of the already beautiful NISEI SC Kit.\n When: Sunday 28th April 2019\nWhere: The Geek Lab UK\, 79 Station Road\, T aunton\, TA1 1PB\nRegistration from: 10:00\nRound 1 begins: 11:00\nEntry F ee: £12 (or £10 in advance:\nStructur e: According to NISEI guidelines (likely 4 rounds of Swiss and top 4 cut)\ nApprox Swiss end time: 18:00\nThe Geek Lab is easy to get to - if you're arriving at Taunton train station\, walk from either side of the station d own to Station Road and turn left. The store is then just a few hundred ya rds down Station Road on the right.\nParking is available at Kilkenny Car Park for free on Sundays\, or on-street parking can be found in the surrou nding area - Herbert Street and Rupert Street are probably the closest\, 5 -10 mins walk away.\nThis SC will be run as per NISEI regulations\, see ni for further details\, or please feel free to message or post on th e FaceBook event. You can also reach me on wher e I'm 3N1GM4.\nHope to see you there! Always Be Running!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

We'd love to welcome you to Taunton for our first Store Championship\, on the very last day of the season! As usual\, we'll have some juicy prize support available on top of the already beaut iful NISEI SC Kit.


When: Sunday 28th April 2019\n Where: The Geek Lab UK\, 79 Station Road\, Taunton\, TA1 1PB\nRegistration from: 10:00\nRound 1 begins: 11:00\nEntry Fee: £12 (or £10 in advance: https: //\nStructure: According to NIS EI guidelines (likely 4 rounds of Swiss and top 4 cut)\nApprox Swi ss end time: 18:00


The Geek Lab is easy to get to - if yo u're arriving at Taunton train station\, walk from either side of the stat ion down to Station Road and turn left. The store is then just a few hundr ed yards down Station Road on the right.


Parking is available at K ilkenny Car Park for free on Sundays\, or on-street parking can be found i n the surrounding area - Herbert Street and Rupert Street are probably the closest\, 5-10 mins walk away.


This SC will be run as per NISEI r egulations\, see for further details\, or please feel free to me ssage or post on the FaceBook event. You can also reach me on http://stimh where I'm 3N1GM4.


Hope to see you there! Always Be Running!