BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1863alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Tokyo:20190210T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Tokyo:20190210T235900 URL: nament LOCATION:Japan\, 〒556-0011 Ōsaka-fu\, Ōsaka-shi\, Naniwa-ku\, Nanbanaka \, 2 Chome−1−3 川合ビル SUMMARY:Kansai Netrunner Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nKansai Netrunner Tournament\nNisei Q1 2019 Game Night Kit\n1.1.1.1 is a limited card pool. Each participant chooses and makes a deck from:\n\n1 revised core set (corresponding cards from the old core s et and first two cycles are also legal as long as you restrict yourself to the quantities in the new core set)\n1 deluxe expansion set (Creation and Control\, Honor and Profit\, Order and Chaos\, Data and Destiny\, Termina l Directive\, and Reign and Reverie)\n1 data pack (data packs from the Gen esis and Spin cycles excluded)\nUp to three (or six) copies of any other s ingle card (excluding Magnum Opus cards)\n\n## Your corporation and runner IDs can be from any legal set (free choice).\n## Corp and Runner card poo ls are independent.\n## Go to the Reddit page u for more detail.\n## The last official MWL 2.2 restrictions apply to you r deck building\n## Bring a decklist which also list s the packs you pulled from.\nFeel free to bring your standard decks for c asual matches before tournament start and during free time.\nLocation - Ye llow Submarine Namba #3 - 4th floor\nSignup - 11:00\nStart - 13:00\nEntry - 800円\nPrizes - 1st\, 2nd\, 3rd\, and 4th place (alt arts for other pla ces)\nStore Website -\n Join the JIGG Discord to discuss Netrunner in Japan - gEZawPu\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Kansai Netrunner Tournament\nNisei Q1 2019 Game Night Kit
\n1.1.1.1 is a limited card pool. Each participant chooses and makes a deck from: p>\n
## Your corporation and runner IDs can be from any legal set (free choice).
\n## Corp and Runner card pools are independent.
\n## Go to the Reddit page for more detail.
\n## The last official MWL 2.2 restrictions apply to your deck build ing
\n## Bring a decklist whi ch also lists the packs you pulled from.
\nFeel free to bri ng your standard decks for casual matches before tournament start and duri ng free time.
\nLocation - Yellow Submarine Namba # 3 - 4th floor\nSignup - 11:00\nStart - 1 3:00\nEntry - 800円\nPrizes - 1st\, 2nd \, 3rd\, and 4th place (alt arts for other places)
\nStore W
ebsite -\n