BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1847alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190209T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190209T235900 URL: k LOCATION:53-53a High St\, Chatteris PE16 6BH\, UK SUMMARY:Netrunner NISEI 2019 Q1 GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Android : Netrunner Tournament (NISIE Q1 2019)\nVenue: The Hobb it Hole\, 53 High Street\, Chatteris PE16 6BH\nDate: 9th Feb 2019\nTime: D oors Open 10.00am for an 11.00am Start\nFormat: Standard\nRounds: Dependen t on participation.\nParticipation Prize Card - Alt Art Rashida Jaheem\nTo p 4 Prize Card - Alt Art Titan Transitional\nFirst Place - Titan Transitio nal Playmat.\nOur Address : The Hobbit Hole\, 53 High Street\, Chatteris\, Cambs PE16 6BH\nParking : The Hobbit Hole is situated on the High Street very close to the main parking for the town. Turn off the high street\, by the public library\, and proceed aprox 20 yards down Furrowfields Road an d park in either of the two FREE Public Car Parks. From there\, walk back down Furrowfields Rd to the High Street\, turn left at the Library and The Hobbit Hole is next door!\nRefreshment : The Hobbit Hole provides a small snack bar (crisps/nuts/cans). More substantial food is available from Th e Cup Cake Café across the road. To avoid damaging models\, cards\, ruleb ooks &\; etc\, please do not eat or drink at the gaming tables.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Android : Netrunner Tournament (NISIE Q1 20 19)
\nVenue: The Hobbit Hole\, 53 High Street\, Chatteris PE16 6BH\n Date: 9th Feb 2019\nTime: Doors Open 10.00am for an 11.00am Start\nFormat: Standard\nRounds: Dependent on participation.
\nParticipation Prize Card - Alt Art Rashida Jaheem
\nTop 4 Prize Card - Alt Art Titan Tr ansitional
\nFirst Place - Titan Transitional Playmat.
\nOur A ddress : The Hobbit Hole\, 53 High Street\, Chatteris\, Cambs PE16 6BH
\nParking : The Hobbit Hole is situated on the High Street very close t o the main parking for the town. Turn off the high street\, by the public library\, and proceed aprox 20 yards down Furrowfields Road and park in ei ther of the two FREE Public Car Parks. From there\, walk back down Furrowf ields Rd to the High Street\, turn left at the Library and The Hobbit Hole is next door!
\nRefreshment : The Hobbit Hole provides a small snac k bar (crisps/nuts/cans). More substantial food is available from The Cup Cake Café across the road. To avoid damaging models\, cards\, rulebooks &\; etc\, please do not eat or drink at the gaming tables.