BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1844alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190209T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190209T235900 URL: ei-kit-2 LOCATION:9 Gillygate\, York YO31 7EA\, UK SUMMARY:Netrunner - Critical Run - Nisei Kit #2 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome all\, to the new world order\, from your megacorp maste rs at Nisei.\nRunner's will infiltrate and steal agendas\, while the shell corps will advance them\, all in the name of getting prizes!\n##Boring Ev ent Information#\nWhen: 9th Feb 2019\nDoors Open: 11:45am\, Round 1: Noon\ nWhere: Random Encounter\, 9 Gillygate\, YO31 7EA\nPrice: £5\nRounds: 4/5 depending on attendance. Top 4 playoff for really high attended events\nF ormat: Standard (Core 19\, + MWL 3) - Read about the changes:\nhttp://nise\nProxies are allowed as long as they're print outs of the cards (black and white is fine)\, and are indistinguishable in the de ck.\nApproved Community alts are allowed - if in doubt ask\n##Cool Prizes# #\nPrizes are as follows:\nWinner: Playmat\nTop 2: Titan Transnational\nTo p 4: Community promo\nTop 16: Nisei Rashida Promo\n16+: Community or FFG p romo from the vault\nDepending on numbers additional prize tiers may be ad ded.\n##Venue##\nRandom encounter is on gillygate which is a stones throw away from the minster and about 10-15 min walk from york train station:\nD irections can be found here:\nAlso the nu mber 1\, 5A\, and 6 buses stop just outside of the cafe.\nPlease do not br ing outside food and drink into the café\, we have a wide range of snacks \, toasties\, hot and cold drinks on site to buy.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Welcome all\, to the new world order\, from your megacorp masters at Nisei.


Runner's will infiltrate and stea l agendas\, while the shell corps will advance them\, all in the name of g etting prizes!


##Boring Event Information#


When: 9th Feb 2 019\nDoors Open: 11:45am\, Round 1: Noon\nWhere: Random Encounter\, 9 Gill ygate\, YO31 7EA\nPrice: £5\nRounds: 4/5 depending on attendance. Top 4 p layoff for really high attended events\nFormat: Standard (Core 19\, + MWL 3) - Read about the changes:



Proxies are allowed as long as they're print outs of the cards (black a nd white is fine)\, and are indistinguishable in the deck.


Approve d Community alts are allowed - if in doubt ask


##Cool Prizes##


Prizes are as follows:


Winner: Playmat\nTop 2: Titan Transnat ional\nTop 4: Community promo\nTop 16: Nisei Rashida Promo\n16+: Community or FFG promo from the vault


Depending on numbers additional prize tiers may be added.




Random encounter is on gill ygate which is a stones throw away from the minster and about 10-15 min wa lk from york train station:


Directions can be found here: https://


Also the number 1\, 5A\, and 6 buses stop just outside of the cafe.


Please do not bring outside food and dr ink into the café\, we have a wide range of snacks\, toasties\, hot and c old drinks on site to buy.