BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1832alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Prague:20190117T171500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Prague:20190117T235900 URL: LOCATION:Kotlářská 989/51a\, 602 00 Brno-střed-Veveří\, Czechia SUMMARY:Diversified Portfolio GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Diversified Portfolio is a new format for Android: Netrunner\, with a focus on risk vs reward and making the choice of identities more to ugh. It seeks to give some lesser played corporations and unsung heroes of the game a chance to shine\, while still allowing players a lot of choice to pick decks which fit their play style. You will get to play with and a gainst ID’s you have rarely or even never before seen at a tournament\, leading to totally new experiences.\nIn a Diversified Portfolio tournament \, each legal runner and corp ID has a score attributed to it\, going from 0 up to 5\, as seen below. The higher the score of an identity\, the more competitive and prevalent it is. A player is allowed to freely pick any r unner and corp ID to participate with\, as long as the sum of their scores is 5 or less. For example\, they could pick Valencia (score 5) and The Fo undry (score 0)\, AGinfusion (4) and Exile (1)\, or The Professor (0) and Personal Evolution (3). However\, they wouldn't be able to pick Sportsmeta l (4) and Kit (3).\nPlayers are not obligated to go up to 5 when choosing their ID's. In fact\, as an extra incentive to pick less powerful/popular ID's and diversify the field\, score is considered the primary tie breaker for swiss ranking in this format. Thus\, if two players both are at twelv e points after round four of swiss\, the player with a score of 2 would be higher ranked than the player with a score of 5. With ties\, Strength of Schedule and extended SoS will still determine ranking as per usual.\nFurt hermore\, players who took a risk and decided to go for lower ranked ident ities will be awarded additional prizes. For example\, a special prize to the highest ranked player with a score of 2 or less\, or every player who played with a combined score of 0.\nOutside of these rules\, the game play s identically to Standard format. Rotation and the latest Most Wanted List are in effect. The only exception is Rebirth\, which is banned from the f ormat. Consider it on the Removed section of the MWL.\nID choices\nCorp:\n S-Tier (5 Points): Palana\, Mti\, Azmari\, Argus\nA-Tier (4 Points): Sport smetal\, AGInfusion\, Replicating Perfection. Potential Unleashed\, Indust rial Genomics\, Controlling the Message\, Near-Earth Hub\, Titan Transnati onal\, The Outfit\nB-Tier (3 Points): Asa Group\, NEXT Design\, Cybernetic s Division\, Personal Evolution. Jinteki Biotech\, Acme Consulting\, SYNC\ , Blue Sun\, Gagarin\nC-Tier (2 Points): Custom Biotics\, Architects of To morrow\, Tennin Institute\, Harmony Medtech\, New Angeles Sol\, Making New s\, Building a Better World\, Jemison Astronautics\nD-Tier (1 Point): Seid r Laboratories\, Stronger Together\, Nisei Division\, Spark Agency\, SSO I ndustries\nE-Tier (0 Points): The Foundry\, Chronos Protocol\, Saraswati M nemonics\, Haarpsichord Studios\, Harishchandra\, Builder of Nations\nRunn er:\nS-Tier (5 Points): Valencia\, Maxx\, 419\, Liza\, Hayley\nA-Tier (4 P oints): Freedom\, Geist\, Leela\, Smoke\, Kabonesa Wu\nB-Tier (3 Points): Omar\, Kim\, Quetzal\, Ken Tenma\, Kit\, Chaos Theory\, Adam\nC-Tier (2 Po ints): Reina\, Gnat\, Gabe\, Los\, Jesminder\, Sunny\nD-Tier (1 Point): Al ice\, Null\, Silhouette\, Fisk\, Akiko Nisei\, Exile\nE-Tier (0 Points): K han\, Nero\, Iain\, Nasir\, The Professor\, Apex\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Diversified Portfolio is a new format for A ndroid: Netrunner\, with a focus on risk vs reward and making the choice o f identities more tough. It seeks to give some lesser played corporations and unsung heroes of the game a chance to shine\, while still allowing pla yers a lot of choice to pick decks which fit their play style. You will ge t to play with and against ID’s you have rarely or even never before see n at a tournament\, leading to totally new experiences.\nIn a Diversified Portfolio tournament\, each legal runner and corp ID has a score attribute d to it\, going from 0 up to 5\, as seen below. The higher the score of an identity\, the more competitive and prevalent it is. A player is allowed to freely pick any runner and corp ID to participate with\, as long as the sum of their scores is 5 or less. For example\, they could pick Valencia (score 5) and The Foundry (score 0)\, AGinfusion (4) and Exile (1)\, or Th e Professor (0) and Personal Evolution (3). However\, they wouldn't be abl e to pick Sportsmetal (4) and Kit (3).


Players are not obligated t o go up to 5 when choosing their ID's. In fact\, as an extra incentive to pick less powerful/popular ID's and diversify the field\, score is conside red the primary tie breaker for swiss ranking in this format. Thus\, if tw o players both are at twelve points after round four of swiss\, the player with a score of 2 would be higher ranked than the player with a score of 5. With ties\, Strength of Schedule and extended SoS will still determine ranking as per usual.\nFurthermore\, players who took a risk and decided t o go for lower ranked identities will be awarded additional prizes. For ex ample\, a special prize to the highest ranked player with a score of 2 or less\, or every player who played with a combined score of 0.\nOutside of these rules\, the game plays identically to Standard format. Rotation and the latest Most Wanted List are in effect. The only exception is Rebirth\, which is banned from the format. Consider it on the Removed section of th e MWL.


ID choices\nCorp:\nS-Tier (5 Points): Palana\, Mti\, Azmari \, Argus\nA-Tier (4 Points): Sportsmetal\, AGInfusion\, Replicating Perfec tion. Potential Unleashed\, Industrial Genomics\, Controlling the Message\ , Near-Earth Hub\, Titan Transnational\, The Outfit\nB-Tier (3 Points): As a Group\, NEXT Design\, Cybernetics Division\, Personal Evolution. Jinteki Biotech\, Acme Consulting\, SYNC\, Blue Sun\, Gagarin\nC-Tier (2 Points): Custom Biotics\, Architects of Tomorrow\, Tennin Institute\, Harmony Medt ech\, New Angeles Sol\, Making News\, Building a Better World\, Jemison As tronautics\nD-Tier (1 Point): Seidr Laboratories\, Stronger Together\, Nis ei Division\, Spark Agency\, SSO Industries\nE-Tier (0 Points): The Foundr y\, Chronos Protocol\, Saraswati Mnemonics\, Haarpsichord Studios\, Harish chandra\, Builder of Nations


Runner:\nS-Tier (5 Points): Valencia\ , Maxx\, 419\, Liza\, Hayley\nA-Tier (4 Points): Freedom\, Geist\, Leela\, Smoke\, Kabonesa Wu\nB-Tier (3 Points): Omar\, Kim\, Quetzal\, Ken Tenma\ , Kit\, Chaos Theory\, Adam\nC-Tier (2 Points): Reina\, Gnat\, Gabe\, Los\ , Jesminder\, Sunny\nD-Tier (1 Point): Alice\, Null\, Silhouette\, Fisk\, Akiko Nisei\, Exile\nE-Tier (0 Points): Khan\, Nero\, Iain\, Nasir\, The P rofessor\, Apex