BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1820alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190202T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190202T235900 URL: LOCATION:5 Union St\, Reading RG1 1EU\, UK SUMMARY:Reading Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:If you like committing the cool crime of starting the 2019 Stor e Championship season slightly before the permitted date\, then have I got a tournament for you!\nOur venue will be Eclectic Games in Reading\, our date will be 2nd February. Doors open at 10.00\, registration from 10.30\, first round starts at 11.00 sharp!\nThe price of entry will be £6 to the shop\, but they didn't provide the SC prize kit\, I (Johno) did\, so I'll be also accepting an optional £3 contribution per player to cover that c ost for those who are willing to do so.\nFormat will be 5 rounds swiss and then some double elimination top cut depending on number of players\, pro bably a top 4.\nDecklists will be mandatory\, email or paper versions are fine. Nisei's Standard format will be in effect.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

If you like committing the cool crime of st arting the 2019 Store Championship season slightly before the permitted date\, then have I got a tournament for you!


Our venue will be Eclectic Games in Reading\, our date will be 2nd February. Doors open at 10.00\, regi stration from 10.30\, first round starts at 11.00 sharp!


The price of entry will be £6 to the shop\, but they did n't provide the SC prize kit\, I (Johno) did\, so I'll be also accepting a n optional £3 contribution per player to cover that cost for those who are willing to do so.


Format will be 5 roun ds swiss and then some double elimination top cut depending on nu mber of players\, probably a top 4.


Deckl ists will be mandatory\, email or paper versions are fine. Nisei's Standard format will be in effect.