BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1812alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20190428T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20190428T235900 URL: pionship-as-one-event LOCATION:Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 18\, 45127 Essen\, Germany SUMMARY:Euregio IX (incl. Store Championship as one event) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hello Euregio and Netrunner Fans\,\nNetrunner should never die. .. So I have organized the Euregio IX.\nUnfortunately\, I was forced to ra ise the starting Fee. :-(\nBut I hope you will forgive me when you see the incredible prizepool.\nMany thanks to Elwin Rumplmair and Asmodée Germa ny who helps me to get a gread price pool.Thank you all!!\nFan-Made cards are legal\, as long as the cards are not too noticeable!\nLocation: Unper fekthaus Essen Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 18\, 45127 Essen-City\nRoom: Winter-Ga rden / Conservatory\nVenue open from : 8:00 am\nCheck In: 8:45: am - 9:45 am\nRound 1 starts arround: 10:00 am\nPlaned end : 20:45 pm (variable)\nSt arting Fee on site: 15€\nInfo's:\nTO / The Troll (Judge): René aka Dalhill\nPre-Registration is closed. But you can register on site. We have enough free slots for players \;-)\nIMPORTANT:\n The starting fee does NOT contain the entry fee for the location. But the entry fee for the Unperfekthaus includes: Coffee\, cappuccino\, milk coffe e\, many teas\, coke\, sodas\, water\, cocoa\, sprinkles...\nTwo different entry fee options which cover food and drinks. You can get some informati on here (unfortunately only in ge rman) or on site.\n** UPDATE - 1**\nThe Euregio IX will be a Store Champio nship too!\nAdditional to all other prices we will use this Event as SC wi th a NISEI SC Kit.\n** UPDATE - 2**\nClosing-Down sale on Euregio IX\nWhen you are organise Netrunner tournaments and you need some prize stuff\, as k me on the Event. All the stuff with is not in the prize pool is for sale (sale to TO's preferred).\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Hello Euregio and Netrunner Fans\,


Netrunner should never die... So I have organized the Euregio IX.


Unfortunately\, I was forced to raise the starting Fee. :-(\nBut I hope yo u will forgive me when you see the incredible prizepool.


Many than ks to Elwin Rumplmair and Asmodée Germany who helps me to get a gread pr ice pool.Thank you all!!


Fan-Made cards are legal\, as long as the cards are not too noticeable!


Location: Unperfekthaus Essen Frie drich-Ebert-Str. 18\, 45127 Essen-City\nRoom: Winter-Garden / Conservatory \nVenue open from : 8:00 am\nCheck In: 8:45: am - 9:45 am\nRound 1 starts arround: 10:00 am\nPlaned end : 20:45 pm (variable)\nStarting Fee on site: 15€\nInfo's:\nTO / The Troll (Judge): Ren é aka Dalhill


Pre-Registration is closed. But you can register on site. We have enough free slots for players \;-)




The starting fee does NOT contain the entry fee for the location. But t he entry fee for the Unperfekthaus includes: Coffee\, cappuccino\, milk co ffee\, many teas\, coke\, sodas\, water\, cocoa\, sprinkles...


Two different entry fee options which cover food and drinks. You can get some information here (unfortunately only in german) or on site.


** UPDATE - 1**\nThe Euregio IX will b e a Store Championship too!


Additional to all other prices we will use this Event as SC with a NISEI SC Kit.


** UPDATE - 2**\nClosin g-Down sale on Euregio IX


When you are organise Netrunner tourname nts and you need some prize stuff\, ask me on the Event. All the stuff wit h is not in the prize pool is for sale (sale to TO's preferred).