BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1797alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190223T093000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190223T235900 URL: LOCATION:3 Jubilee Parkway\, Jubilee Business Park\, Stores Road\, Derby DE 21 4BJ\, UK SUMMARY:Derby Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Tickets available here ->\;\nWelcome to the Derby Store Championship\nDoors Open: 09.30 am\nRound 1: 10.30 am\nPl ayer cap: 30\nPrice: £10\nFormat: Standard. MWL 3.1\nRules Tier: Competit ive - Decklists Required\nRound Time: 65mins Swiss rounds. 40mins double e limination rounds\nNumber of rounds:\n\nUp to 8 players: 3 rounds\, no cut \n9-24 players: 4 rounds\, top 4\n25-32 players: 4 rounds\, top 8\n33-56 p layers: 5 rounds\, top 8\n\nProxies: proxies are allowed as long as they a re either printouts of the cards or using the official nisei handwritten t emplates. They must contain all correct information\, be legible\, and mus t not be distinguishable in sleeves from other cards. Fan made alt arts th at adhere to community guidelines of no nudity/violence/gore are also allo wed\nPrizes: (You receive each lower tier too)\n1st Place: Regional Bye (t racked digitial)*\n2nd - 4th Place: 1x Playmat featuring Kati Jones and Az \n5th - 8th Place: 2x Alt Art Embezzle\n9th - 32 place: 1x Alt Art Crowdfu nding\nFor more information please contact Gordon (slack@pord) or Chris. P reregistration will also need to be prepaid for.\nPlease ensure to mention any allergies as food is included in the ticket price on all pre-orders. No refunds available.\nNo food provided if paid on the day or preordered l ess than 48hours before event.\n*Bye can only be given out to events with more than 8 players.\nThe event will have a zero tolerance for hate speech of any type and for cheating.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Tickets available here ->\; /2rLD8bT


Welcome to the Derby Store Championship


Doors Ope n: 09.30 am\nRound 1: 10.30 am


Player cap: 30\nPrice: £10\nFormat : Standard. MWL 3.1\nRules Tier: Competitive - Decklists Required\nRound T ime: 65mins Swiss rounds. 40mins double elimination rounds\nNumber of roun ds:


Proxies: proxies are allowe d as long as they are either printouts of the cards or using the official nisei handwritten templates. They must contain all correct information\, b e legible\, and must not be distinguishable in sleeves from other cards. F an made alt arts that adhere to community guidelines of no nudity/violence /gore are also allowed


Prizes: (You receive each lower tier too)\n 1st Place: Regional Bye (tracked digitial)*\n2nd - 4th Place: 1x Playmat f eaturing Kati Jones and Az\n5th - 8th Place: 2x Alt Art Embezzle\n9th - 32 place: 1x Alt Art Crowdfunding


For more information please contac t Gordon (slack@pord) or Chris. Preregistration will also need to be prepa id for.


Please ensure to mention any allergies as food is included in the ticket price on all pre-orders. No refunds available.


No f ood provided if paid on the day or preordered less than 48hours before eve nt.


*Bye can only be given out to events with more than 8 players.


The event will have a zero tolerance for hate speech of any type and for cheating.