BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1790alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20190127T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20190127T235900 URL: LOCATION:5606a Johnson Dr\, Mission\, KS 66202\, USA SUMMARY:GNKUBE Nisei Q1 2019 Event CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Rediscover that old Netrunning feeling and get a chance to win some sweet Nisei swag. Prizes include Rashida Jaheem alts\, Titan IDs\, an d a sweeeet Nisei landscape play mat.\nCube draft to start at 1pm\, follow ed by four rounds of Swiss to see who takes home the prizes. I'll also hav e a couple of System Core 2019 demo decks on hand for anyone that wants to learn how to play.\nThis event will follow Nisei Organized Play Rules and the Nisei Code of Conduct. For more on that\, check it out here: http://n and\n$5 entry fee to Mission: Board Games for hosting this event.\nSpots are limited. T he first 8 people to sign up are guaranteed a slot. After that\, we'll see if we get enough people to build a second cube.\nCube list will be posted in advance for those that interested in prepping strategies for asymmetri cal card game domination.\nAnd remember\, Always Be Running!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Rediscover that old Netrunning feeling and get a chance to win some sweet Nisei swag. Prizes include Rashida Jaheem a lts\, Titan IDs\, and a sweeeet Nisei landscape play mat.
\nCube dra ft to start at 1pm\, followed by four rounds of Swiss to see who takes hom e the prizes. I'll also have a couple of System Core 2019 demo decks on ha nd for anyone that wants to learn how to play.
\nThis event will fol low Nisei Organized Play Rules and the Nisei Code of Conduct. For more on that\, check it out here: and http://nisei.n et/about/code-of-conduct
\n$5 entry fee to Mission: Board Games for hosting this event.
\nSpots are limited. The first 8 people to sign up are guaranteed a slot. After that\, we'll see if we get enough people t o build a second cube.
\nCube list will be posted in advance for tho se that interested in prepping strategies for asymmetrical card game domin ation.
\nAnd remember\, Always Be Running!