BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1780alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190309T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190309T235900 URL: etrunner LOCATION:Railway Institute\, 22 Queen St\, York YO24 1AD\, UK SUMMARY:York Store Champisonship - Netrunner CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:*** Pre-Registration ***\nPre-reg is now open\, to prereg pleas e send the money via paypal to me:\\n(Friends and family/add 50p for fees if you're feeling generous)\nBe sure to includ e "\;York Store Champs"\; in the notes of the transaction.\nWhy Pr eregister?\nNot only does this guarantee your spot\, but preregistered pla yers receive a south sansan promo dirty laundry - (While stocks last. If w e get more preregistered players than I have dirty laundries the late come rs will get a different fan made promo).\n\nWelcome to the York Store Cham pionship\nDate: 9th March 2019\nVenue: Railway institute room 3\nDoors Ope n: 11am\nRound 1: 12 noon\nPlayer cap: none\nPrice: £10\nFormat: Standard . MWL 3.1\nRules Tier: Casual- Decklists Required\nRound Time: 65mins Swis s rounds. 40mins double elimination rounds\nNumber of rounds:\n○ Up to 8 players: 3 rounds\, no cut\n○ 9-24 players: 4 rounds\, top 4\n○ 25-32 players: 4 rounds\, top 8\n○ 33-56 players: 5 rounds\, top 8\nProxies: proxies are allowed as long as they are either printouts of the cards or u sing the official nisei handwritten templates. They must contain all corre ct information and must not be distinguishable in sleeves from other cards . Fan made alt arts that adhere to community guidelines of no nudity/viole nce/gore are also allowed\nPrizes: (You receive each lower tier too)\n1st Place: Regional Bye. (Ashes print and play if we get over 25 players)\n2nd Place: Playset of South SanSan IPOs\n3rd - 4th Place: 1x Playmat featurin g Kati Jones and Az\n5th - 8th place: 2x Alt Embezzle. Plus random promo. Plus deckbox\n17th - 32 place: 1x Alt Art Crowdfunding. Plus random promo\ n33rd +: 2 random promos\nPrereg Bonus: South Sansan Dirty Laundry\nSome e xtra random prizes to be handed out before the cut.\nIf you wish to prereg ister please see pinned post for details.\nAlso for players not making the cut if there's interest they'll be a side event of a GNK q1 for £3 per p layer. Rashidas and titans.\n*Bye can only be given out to events with mor e than 8 players.\nThe event will have a zero tolerance for hate speech of any type and for cheating.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

*** Pre-Registration ***


Pre-reg is now open\, to prereg please send the money via paypal to me:




(Friends and family/add 50p for fees if yo u're feeling generous)\nBe sure to include "\;York Store Champs"\; in the notes of the transaction.


Why Preregister?


Not onl y does this guarantee your spot\, but preregistered players receive a sout h sansan promo dirty laundry - (While stocks last. If we get more preregis tered players than I have dirty laundries the late comers will get a diffe rent fan made promo).




Welcome to the York Store Championship


D ate: 9th March 2019\nVenue: Railway institute room 3\nDoors Open: 11am\nRo und 1: 12 noon\nPlayer cap: none\nPrice: £10\nFormat: Standard. MWL 3.1\n Rules Tier: Casual- Decklists Required\nRound Time: 65mins Swiss rounds. 4 0mins double elimination rounds


Number of rounds:\n○ Up to 8 pla yers: 3 rounds\, no cut\n○ 9-24 players: 4 rounds\, top 4\n○ 25-32 pla yers: 4 rounds\, top 8\n○ 33-56 players: 5 rounds\, top 8


Proxie s: proxies are allowed as long as they are either printouts of the cards o r using the official nisei handwritten templates. They must contain all co rrect information and must not be distinguishable in sleeves from other ca rds. Fan made alt arts that adhere to community guidelines of no nudity/vi olence/gore are also allowed


Prizes: (You receive each lower tier too)\n1st Place: Regional Bye. (Ashes print and play if we get over 25 pla yers)


2nd Place: Playset of South SanSan IPOs


3rd - 4th Pl ace: 1x Playmat featuring Kati Jones and Az


5th - 8th place: 2x Al t Embezzle. Plus random promo. Plus deckbox


17th - 32 place: 1x Al t Art Crowdfunding. Plus random promo


33rd +: 2 random promos

\ n

Prereg Bonus: South Sansan Dirty Laundry


Some extra random pri zes to be handed out before the cut.


If you wish to preregister pl ease see pinned post for details.


Also for players not making the cut if there's interest they'll be a side event of a GNK q1 for £3 per pl ayer. Rashidas and titans.


*Bye can only be given out to events wi th more than 8 players.


The event will have a zero tolerance for h ate speech of any type and for cheating.