BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1779alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20181216T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20181216T235900 URL: -wec LOCATION:Ketelvest 51\, 9000 Gent\, Belgium SUMMARY:Old School Draft Netrunner WeC CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This time we will play a CUBE draft on Sunday 16/12/2018.\n\n\n We are hoping to get the draft started at 11:00.\n\n\nAfter the drafting p hase we will go grab lunch.\n\n\n3/4 rounds of swiss\n\n\nUnfortunately\, I only have access to 1 cube\, so we are capped at 8 persons. I will be wo rking with the principle of first come first serve. PLEASE PM me in FB\, a nd I will update the spots.\n\n\nEntrance will be €5\n\n\nYou can find t he rules for the draft via following link. ing-101/ .\nBut there will be 2 changes:\nInstead of 5 copies of Priority Requisition you can bring 3 copies of SSL endorsement and 2 copies of Prio rity Requisitions.\nPrivate contracts will be launch campaign\nFUN FACT: t his cube only contains cards from before Data and destiny. So cards like p arasite\, account siphon\, medium\, scorched earth\,… are still in the d raft\nHope to see you there\nUpdate already 8 out of the 8 spots are fille d\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
This time we will play a CUBE draft on Sund ay 16/12/2018.
\nWe are hoping to get the draft started at 11:00.
\nAfter the drafting phase we will go grab lu nch.
\n3/4 rounds of swiss
\nUnfortu nately\, I only have access to 1 cube\, so we are capped at 8 persons. I w ill be working with the principle of first come first serve. PLEASE PM me in FB\, and I will update the spots.
\nEntrance will be €5
\nYou can find the rules for the draft via follo wing link. .\nBut there will be 2 changes:\nInstead of 5 copies of Priority Requisition you can bring 3 copi es of SSL endorsement and 2 copies of Priority Requisitions.\nPrivate cont racts will be launch campaign
\nFUN FACT: this cube only contains ca rds from before Data and destiny. So cards like parasite\, account siphon\ , medium\, scorched earth\,… are still in the draft
\nHope to see you there
\nUpdate already 8 out of the 8 spots are filled