BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1778alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190107T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190107T235900 URL: -2019-edition-gnk LOCATION:27 Friar Ln\, Nottingham NG1 6DA\, UK SUMMARY:Network Crash4 - System-Core 2019 Edition (GNK) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The forth instalment of Network Crash - our GNK format event\, with added spice!\nThis one is to celebrate the release of Nisei's System- Core 2019 and as such the card pool is exclusive to that set only. Back to basics for one night!\nWe will be running 3 rounds of swiss and will be u sing the Q1 Kit from Nisei\, assuming we have it in time\, if not\, we wil l be using an assortment of alt arts and tokens in its place.\nIn addition to all the regular awesomeness of playing Netrunner for an evening\, Netw ork Crash also runs an optional achievement system where players can earn points over a number of events for doing cool stuff during a game. At the end of a season\, additional prizes will be awarded to those who have unlo cked the most achievements.\nThis month's event is in Nottingham (we alter native between Nottingham and Derby) and will be hosted at The Ned Ludd on Friar Lane. Event starts at 7pm sharp\, registration from 6.30pm. There i s a charge of £5 to cover prize support and the room\, with any additiona l funds raised going to charity!\nLegal card-pool:\nSystem-Core 2019 ONLY! \n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The forth instalment of Network Crash - our GNK format event\, with added spice!


This one is to celebrate the release of Nisei's System-Core 2019 and as such the card pool is exclusiv e to that set only. Back to basics for one night!


We will be runni ng 3 rounds of swiss and will be using the Q1 Kit from Nisei\, assuming we have it in time\, if not\, we will be using an assortment of alt arts and tokens in its place.


In addition to all the regular awesomeness o f playing Netrunner for an evening\, Network Crash also runs an optional a chievement system where players can earn points over a number of events fo r doing cool stuff during a game. At the end of a season\, additional priz es will be awarded to those who have unlocked the most achievements.


This month's event is in Nottingham (we alternative between Nottingham and Derby) and will be hosted at The Ned Ludd on Friar Lane. Event starts at 7pm sharp\, registration from 6.30pm. There is a charge of £5 to cover prize support and the room\, with any additional funds raised going to ch arity!


Legal card-pool:\nSystem-Core 2019 ONLY!