BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1762alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20181208T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20181208T235900 URL: LOCATION:Beggaardenstraat 6\, 2000 Antwerpen\, Belgium SUMMARY:Critical Run Antwerpen CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nAnnouncing the first post-FFG Netrunner event in Antwerpen!\n It's been a while since Nationals and with all the excitement about Projec t NISEI\, it's time to get another Netrunner tournament on the books in An twerpen. We will be using the System Core 2019 (aka Standard) card pool an d the new MWL 3.0 for this event\, if you're unfamiliar with this I have p rovided useful links below. We will be running four rounds of swiss with a Top 3 showdown\, and I will attempt to stream some of the games on twitch .tv/HBFLGBRM\nThis is a newcomer and casual friendly event\, so if you're new-ish to the game or don't own all the cards\, don't worry about it\, ju st come on out and play some games\, meet some people\, you won't regret i t. Proxies are absolutely allowed\, decklists are not needed\, all I ask i s that you sleeve your cards.\nMagnum Opus cards are allowed except Watch the World Burn and Hired Help. The cards will be available so those who or dered them can pick them up!\n~~~ Prize Support ~~~\nTop 16: Full art Blac k Orchestra\nTop 4: Full art NGO Front\nTop 2: Anarch click tracker\nEvery new face I see will get something extra!\n~~~ Useful links ~~~\nSystem Co re 2019 rotation guide:\n 2D9VM_20n3WkLGTI/view?fbclid=IwAR0Frm7f39NZGgSf4C8r3At7kaZiWGHAb8B_2HM6u9G bmL_BnNhHK6dloqw\nMost Wanted List 3.0:\n mats\nTwitch link for the stream:\n\n~~~ Addition al Information ~~~\nTO: Thomas Van der Cruysse aka Cluster Fox\nSign-ups a t 12:30\nStart as soon as possible after that\nEntry fee is €5\,00\nIf a nyone wants to stick around after the tournament\, we can go for a drink o r something to eat. If you have any questions\, hit me up on Facebook\, vi a e-mail at\, or on Slack at @Cluster Fox.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Announcing the first post-FFG Netrunner event in Antwerpen!


It's been a while since Na tionals and with all the excitement about Project NISEI\, it's time to get another Netrunner tournament on the books in Antwerpen. We will be using the System Core 2019 (aka Standard) card pool and the new MWL 3.0 for this event\, if you're unfamiliar with this I have provided useful links below . We will be running four rounds of swiss with a Top 3 showdown\, and I wi ll attempt to stream some of the games on


This is a newcomer and casual friendly event\, so if you're new-ish to the game or don't own all the cards\, don't worry about it\, just come on out and play some games\, meet some people\, you won't regret it. Proxies are abso lutely allowed\, decklists are not needed\, all I ask is that you sleeve y our cards.


Magnum Opus cards are allowed except Watch the World Bu rn and Hired Help. The cards will be available so those who ordered them c an pick them up!


~~~ Prize Support ~~~\nTop 16: Full art Black Orc hestra\nTop 4: Full art NGO Front\nTop 2: Anarch click tracker\nEvery new face I see will get something extra!


~~~ Useful links ~~~\nSystem Core 2019 rotation guide:\n 4y2D9VM_20n3WkLGTI/view?fbclid=IwAR0Frm7f39NZGgSf4C8r3At7kaZiWGHAb8B_2HM6u 9GbmL_BnNhHK6dloqw


Most Wanted List 3.0:\n orted-formats


Twitch link for the stream:\n RM


~~~ Additional Information ~~~\nTO: Thomas Van der Cruysse aka Cluster Fox\nSign-ups at 12:30\nStart as soon as possible after that\nEntr y fee is €5\,00\nIf anyone wants to stick around after the tournament\, we can go for a drink or something to eat. If you have any questions\, hit me up on Facebook\, via e-mail at\, or on Slac k at @Cluster Fox.