BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1741alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20181227T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20181227T235900 URL: LOCATION:Bahnhofstrasse 57\, 8600 Dübendorf\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Nisei GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:After FFG announced the power shutdown of Android Netrunner\, N ISEI made a government takeover of the system and changed some parts of th e source code. Are you ready for the new MWL 3.0 and the new system Core 2 019?\nWe will play a tournament according to the NISEI standard format\, w hich can be found here:\nDate: Thurs day\, December 27th\, 2018\nCheck-in time: 12:30 - 12:45\, please be there in time\nStarting Time: 13:00\nEnd: approx. 18:00\, we will play 4 rounds .\nLocation: Wellplayed\, Bahnhofstrasse 57\, Dübendorf ps/YK4FfPjczrG2 (map)\nNeeded equipment: 1 Runner deck &\; 1 Corp deck\ , both sleeved\, tokens\, starting fee\nCard pool: System Core 2019\, all legal Expansions up to Magnum Opus\, according to Nisei MWL 3.0.\nRegistra tion: send e-mail with nickname to or here or at Wellplaye d Forum.\nD E T A I L S:\nTier: Relaxed\nTournaments at this level are wel coming to all players\, regardless of experience level. Players are encour aged to help each other improve and learn\, so long as it does not signifi cantly disrupt the game. The focus is on creating a fun and friendly envir onment.\nFormat: Swiss format without a top cut\, 4 rounds.\nCard pool: Sy stem Core 2019\, all legal Expansions up to Magnum Opus\, according to Nis ei MWL 3.0.\nLanguage: German\, English\, French\nDecklists: not needed.\n Card sleeves: please use non-transparent card sleeves. Proxies are allowed but needs clear to read.\nTournament rules: NISEI Comprehensive Rules ver sion 1.1 + MWL 3.0!\nEntry fee: 20.- CHF / 2 0.- EURO (including 2 free drinks).\nPrize support: NISEI GNK 1.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
After FFG announced the power shutdown of A ndroid Netrunner\, NISEI made a government takeover of the system and chan ged some parts of the source code. Are you ready for the new MWL 3.0 and t he new system Core 2019?
\nWe will play a tournament according to th e NISEI standard format\, which can be found here:
\nDate: Thursday\, December 27th\, 2018\nCheck-i n time: 12:30 - 12:45\, please be there in time\nStarting Time: 13:00\nEnd: approx. 18:00\, we will play 4 rounds.\nLocation: Wellplayed\, Bahnhofstrasse 57\, Dü bendorf (map)\nNeeded equipment strong>: 1 Runner deck &\; 1 Corp deck\, both sleeved\, tokens\, starti ng fee\nCard pool: System Core 2019\, all legal Expansions up to Magnum Op us\, according to Nisei MWL 3.0.\nRegistration: send e-ma il with nickname to or here or at Wellplayed Forum.
\nD E T A I L S: p>\n
Tier: Relaxed\nTournaments at this level are welco ming to all players\, regardless of experience level. Players are encourag ed to help each other improve and learn\, so long as it does not significa ntly disrupt the game. The focus is on creating a fun and friendly environ ment.
\nFormat: Swiss format without a top cut\, 4 rounds.\nCard pool: System Core 2019\, all legal Expansio ns up to Magnum Opus\, according to Nisei MWL 3.0.\nLanguage: German\, English\, French\nDecklists: not needed.\n< strong>Card sleeves: please use non-transparent card sleeves. Pro xies are allowed but needs clear to read.
\nTournament rules : NISEI Comprehensive Rules version 1.1 + MWL 3.0!\nEnt ry fee: 20.- CHF / 20.- EURO (including 2 free drinks).\n Prize support: NISEI GNK 1.