BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1733alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20181215T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20181215T235900 URL: LOCATION:Dienerstrasse 36\, 8004 Zürich\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Graveyard Cube Draft CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:You think this is a dead card game?\nYour love for this game ha s grown cold?\nYour brain can’t manage all these shiny new cards from th e past years?\nYour cards are already below ground?\nWelcome to the GRAVEY ARD CUBE DRAFT!\nIf you don’t know Draft or Cube Draft\, you can find a good description here: Stimhack\nThe Graveyard cube contains cards from th e original Core Box\, the Genesis and Spin cycle and banned (MWL) cards\, state 2018. You can see the full list of the cards here:\nCorp\nRunner\nYo u don’t need these cards. We will bring them!\nAll you need are Runner & amp\; Corp cards according to the list below\, 2 x 40 sleeves\, tokens\, s tarting fee\nDate: Saturday\, December 15th 2018\nCheck-in time: 10:45 am - 11:00 am\, please be there on time\nStarting Time: 11:00 am\nEnd: approx . 18:00 pm\nLocation: Kabooom Entertainment GmbH\, Dienerstrasse 36\, 800 4 Zürich (map)\nNeeded equipment: Runner &\; Corp cards according to the list below\, 2 x 40 sleeves\, tokens\, starting fee\nCorp Cards:\n5 x Priority Requisition *\n2 x Private Contra cts\nRunner Cards:\n1 x Force of Nature\n1 x Pipeline\n1 x Aurora\n2 x Arm itage Codebusting\n\nIf you don’t have 5 copies of Priority Requisition - or any cards -\, please let me know and we will bring you the needed cop ies.\n\nRegistration: send e-mail with nickname\, first- and family name t o or here on ABR\nEntry fee: 10.- CHF / 10.- EURO. Free if this is your first tournament.\nPrize support: Cards from the tomb. GNK Q 3 if available.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
You think this is a dead card game?\nYour l ove for this game has grown cold?\nYour brain can’t manage all these shi ny new cards from the past years?\nYour cards are already below ground?
\nIf you don’t know D raft or Cube Draft\, you can find a good description here: Stimhack\nThe Graveyard cube contai ns cards from the original Core Box\, the Genesis and Spin cycle and banne d (MWL) cards\, state 2018. You can see the full list of the cards here:\n Corp\nRunner
\nYou don’t need these cards. We will bring them!\nAll you need are Runner &\; Cor p cards according to the list below\, 2 x 40 sleeves\, tokens\, starting f ee
\nDate: Saturday\, December 15th 2018\nCheck-in time: 10:45 am - 11:00 am\, please be there on time\nStarting Time: 11:00 am\nEnd: approx. 18:00 pm\nLocation: Kabooom Entertainment GmbH\, Dienerstrasse 36\, 8004 Zürich (map)
\nNeeded equipment: R unner &\; Corp cards according to the list below\, 2 x 40 sleeves\, tok ens\, starting fee
\nCorp Cards:\n5 x Priority Requisition *\n2 x Pr ivate Contracts
\nRunner Cards:\n1 x Force of Nature\n1 x Pipeline\n 1 x Aurora\n2 x Armitage Codebusting
\nRegistration: send e-m ail with nickname\, first- and family name to or here on A BR
\nEntry fee: 10.- CHF / 10.- EURO. Free if this is your first tou rnament.\nPrize support: Cards from the tomb. GNK Q3 if available.