BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:173alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20161210T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20161210T235900 URL: nship-121016 LOCATION:11772 Parklawn Dr\, Rockville\, MD 20852\, USA SUMMARY:Dream Wizards Store Championship - 12/10/16 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The card is called Run Amok\, but none of the people on it seem to be running... Really\, it should probably be called Stand Amok. Plan A mok? ...Point Amok?\nAnyway\, come to Dream Wizards to prove you're the be st at (net)running amok! Win a playmat that depicts a bunch of those nefar ious anarchs doing... something! Prize support will include the store cham pionship kit\, prizes from past kits\, and (if we get enough players) stor e credit! In addition\, two copies of the alt-art Hedge Fund from Worlds w ill be given out as door prizes.\nRegistration from 11am to 11:30am. Play begins at Noon.\nEntry Fee: $10\nAll in print\, available Netrunner cards will be legal for use. Play will start promptly at Noon\, so please be the re early for registration so we can get the pairings set up.\nAs a reminde r\, all decks must follow the most recent NAPD Most Wanted List\, which is located here. 5/e5b567d5-2873-4731-b2b6-5d3020b2bb02/adn_tournament_regulations_v113.pdf \n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The card is called Run Amok\, but none of t he people on it seem to be running... Really\, it should probably be calle d Stand Amok. Plan Amok? ...Point Amok?
\nAnyway\, come to Dream Wiz ards to prove you're the best at (net)running amok! Win a playmat that dep icts a bunch of those nefarious anarchs doing... something! Prize support will include the store championship kit\, prizes from past kits\, and (if we get enough players) store credit! In addition\, two copies of the alt-a rt Hedge Fund from Worlds will be given out as door prizes.
\nRegist ration from 11am to 11:30am. Play begins at Noon.\nEntry Fee: $10\nAll in print\, available Netrunner cards will be legal for use. Play will start p romptly at Noon\, so please be there early for registration so we can get the pairings set up.
\nAs a reminder\, all decks must follow the mos t recent NAPD Most Wanted List\, which is located here. https://images-cdn 2bb02/adn_tournament_regulations_v113.pdf