BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1720alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20181215T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20181215T235900 URL: LOCATION:Nieuwstraat 52\, 7411 LM Deventer\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Netrunner Winter Warmer CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Saturday\, the 15th of December\, during the famous 'Dickens Fe stival'\, at Game Factory Deventer we will be hosting a Netrunner event wi th a very special prize for the champion.\n↳ Doors: 12.00 (until 18.00)\ n↳ Start: 12.15\n↳ Fee: € 20\,-\n↳ Food: drinks and tosti: €2\,- \; candy\, chips\, cookies: €1\,-\n↳ TO: Dennis de Vries / Menghini\n ↳ Max: 16 runners\nFor questions or registration\, feel free to contact the TO on e-mailaddress:\n↳ Decklists are require d\, please bring a written/printed list (1 Runner\, 1 Corp)\n↳ Legal: Ma gnum Opus (NOT legal: Hired Help\, Watch the World Burn)\n↳ MWL: 2.2\nLo ot: the TO managed to get his hands on an official and complete set of FFG Magnum Opus 2018 Championship cards (Border Control\, Slot Machine\, Time ly Public Release\, Embolus\, Crowdfunding\, Labor Rights). And the TO cou ld get a GNK Q3 kit! There are also several promo items and cards from pas t Tournament Kits and alt arts.\nRounds: We will play 3-4 rounds of Swiss (depending on attendance)\, 65 minutes rounds\, and if it’s necessary fo llowed by a Top Cut.\nProxies: proxies are allowed\, as long as the proxie s are sleeved and readable (printed) and have about the same thickness as the official cards.\nPlugged in players:\n\nJakuza\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Saturday\, the 15th of December\, during th e famous 'Dickens Festival'\, at Game Factory Deventer we will be hosting a Netrunner event with a very special prize for the champion.


↳ Doors: 12.00 (until 18.00)\n↳ Start: 12.15\n↳ Fee: € 20\,-\n↳ Food : drinks and tosti: €2\,-\; candy\, chips\, cookies: €1\,-\n↳ TO: De nnis de Vries / Menghini\n↳ Max: 16 runners


For questions or reg istration\, feel free to contact the TO on e-mailaddress: ddevries82@hotma


↳ Decklists are required\, please bring a written/printed list (1 Runner\, 1 Corp)\n↳ Legal: Magnum Opus (NOT legal: Hire d Help\, Watch the World Burn)\n↳ MWL: 2.2


Loot: the TO managed to get his hands on an official and complete set of FFG M agnum Opus 2018 Championship cards (Border Control\, Slot Machine \, Timely Public Release\, Embolus\, Crowdfunding\, Labor Rights). And the TO could get a GNK Q3 kit! There are also several promo items and cards f rom past Tournament Kits and alt arts.


Rounds: We will play 3-4 ro unds of Swiss (depending on attendance)\, 65 minutes rounds\, and if it’ s necessary followed by a Top Cut.


Proxies: proxies are allowed\, as long as the proxies are sleeved and readable (printed) and have about t he same thickness as the official cards.


Plugged in players:

  1. Jakuza
  2. \n
  3. \n
  4. \n
  5. \n
  6. \n
  7. \n
  8. \n
  9. \n
  10. \n
  11. \n
  12. \n
  13. \n
  14. \n
  15. \n
  16. \n
  17. \n