BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1717alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20190118 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20190121 URL: b-com-2 LOCATION:Carrer dels Comtes de Bell-Lloc\, 182\, 08014 Barcelona\, Spain SUMMARY:Barcelona Community Event - B-Com 2 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:31 Dec - important updates added\, please check below!\nThe sky above the port was the colour of a truita de patates\, left on a plate fo r too long.\n“It’s not like I’m no longer playing”\, X heard someo ne say\, as they shouldered their way through the crowd around a fruit sta nd in La Boqueria. “It’s like my mind’s developed this massive ruse deficiency”. It was a Netrunner voice and a Netrunner joke. La Boqueria was still a place mostly for tourists\; you could roam around here for a w eekend and never hear a word in Catalan.\nRita was tending the bar\, her f lashy neon dreadlocks swaying gently as she filled a tray with assorted ta pas. She saw X and frowned\, her independentist face tattoos turning into a fearful mask for a second.\nX found a place at the bar\, between the las er-precision tan of a Russian wielding a PadCam and the sweaty Hawaiian sh irt of a tall Moroccan whose vantablack forearms looked military-grade.\n “Messy was in here early\, with two kickmurder pendejos”\, Rita said\, shoving a cassoleta brimming with bravas towards the Russian. “Maybe so me business with you\, X?”\nX shrugged. The Moroccan to their right squi nted dangerously at them and flexed his armoured digits.\nRita’s frown d eepened. Her tapas were the stuff of legend. In an age of mass-manufacture d nutrition\, there was something heroic about her dedication to getting t he taste right with real ingredients. Her dreadlocks swung around heavily as she reached for a portion of mejillones en escabeche. She always progra mmed her hair to be easily recognized at the rave parties she frequented - but for work\, she kept them in casual mode.\n“You are too much the pla yer\, X”\, Rita snarled\; apparently she still couldn’t forget the ver mut they spilled the other day. She pulled her hair back from her face bef ore the styling algorithm could kick in. “You are the player of the slig htly dead game.”\n“Sure\,” X said\, biting on their first brava of t he day. “Somebody’s gotta play around here. Sure the collons isn’t g oing to be you.”\nWe would like to invite you to the first big event of the 2019 in Barcelona - B-Com 2: B-Com Harder!\nEntry Fee: €20 (until 11 th January 2019) / €30 (after 11th January 2019) (details below)\nTO/Jud ge: To Be Announced (no\, not Michael Boggs - we wish!)\nCARD LEGALITY (fo r both Main and Side event)\nLegal Card Pool: NISEI System Core 2019 + NIS EI rotation + NISEI Most Wanted List are in effect.\nPREREGISTRATION FOR T HE MAIN EVENT\nTo register before the day of the event at a reduced price of €20 per person\, please send an email to with the following details:\n\nnumber of attending people you represent (even if y ou come in as a group\, you can sign up individually\, no worries)\nnames of attending people you represent (as above)\nany special requirements you may have when participating in the tournament\nI will get back to you abo ut the sign-up procedure and online payment. Available payment options inc lude PayPal\, Revolut\, and bank transfers.\n\nIMPORTANT: preregistration is open only until 11th January 2019. If you want to register from 12th Ja nuary onwards\, the cost is €30.\nDISCOUNTED ACCOMMODATION OFFER\nWe can offer up to 34 places across a number of very affordable apartments in th e neighbourhood (not more than 15 minutes walking from the venue) to inter ested groups or solo travellers who are OK to share the accommodation with other participants.\nFor all details about accommodation\, please contact Mar at - strictly on a "\;first come\, first s erve"\; basis.\nCONTACT\nIf you have any questions\, comments\, ideas\ , suggestions\, criticisms\, event streaming\, additional prize support yo u'd like to donate or would like to volunteer to help with anything in par ticular\, you can message me on StimSlack (@Vesper) or e-mail me at vesper\nWe also have #barcelona on StimSlack for questions or meeti ng up with other people.\nPLANNED SCHEDULE\nsubject to change depending on circumstances\nFRIDAY 18 Jan 2019\n20:00 – Worlds of Android Quiz @ Mel tdown Barcelona:\nFree event with a ti p jar\, pre-registration not necessary\nFor those arriving on Friday\, we ’ll be hosting a Netrunner-themed quiz and there will be prizes! Pre-reg istration for this event is not necessary\, anyone who shows up can partic ipate.\nMenu offer: if you want to take advantage of our host's offer\, yo u can grab a €10 menu (1 pizza or sandwich + 1 drink + 1 cocktail + disc ounts on most other items as part of the “Happy Hour”) - just make sur e you let the organizer know you're interested in coming over that night.\ nAdmin of the Server 1v1 mini-tournament: Play locally on - th e winner stays\, the loser goes. At the end of the night\, the person with the most victories gets a prize!\nSATURDAY 19 Jan 2019\n10:00 - 10:30 - M ain Event Registration &\; decklist collection\nStandard format: latest NISEI MWL and rotation\nThe Main Event has a hard cap of 64 participants. Registration costs €30 on the day and €20 before the event (registrat ion details below).\nDecklists are mandatory and all cards must be in opaq ue sleeves. If you did not sleeve your cards you will be required to purch ase sleeves at Starship Games. Proxies will be permitted for those who hav e not been able to obtain original cards (within reason). If you have made proxies you will be need to show them to the TO to confirm their quality. Proxies must be printed and immediately recognizable as the card they rep resent\, writing the name of the card and a doodle of the art on a slip of paper will not be permitted.\n11:00 – Start of Main Event Swiss (Rounds 1 - 2)\nWe will be playing five rounds of Swiss. Everyone will be given a commemorative alternate art card.\n13:15 – 14:45 – Lunch break (many options in the area\, you’ll get all the information at the event)\n15:0 0 – 19:30 – Main Event Swiss (Rounds 3 - 4 - 5)\n19:35 – Announcing results / Top 8 Cut\n19:45 – cleanup &\; closing of DAY 1\n21:30 – drinks/dinner/party time (you’ll get all the information at the event)\n SUNDAY 20 Jan 2019\n10:30 – Start of Top 8 Cut - First Half\nThe Top 8 C ut games will be played using the double elimination bracket.\n10:45 – S tart of Side Events\nSide Event A: Teamwork Tourney\nFree event\, pre-regi stration not necessary (but encouraged)\nSign your team up here\, with a t eam name and the names of the team members.\nSide Event Rules: Two-person teams. Each member of the team brings one Runner and one Corp deck. Both R unners and both Corps have to be from the SAME faction\, but the identitie s have to be DIFFERENT.\nFor example\, an Anarch-HB team will have 2 diffe rent Anarch IDs and 2 different HB IDs.\nIn addition to this\, each indivi dual card can only be used as many times as it is legally allowed to be in ONE deck when counting cards across BOTH decks (so\, up to 1 copy of &quo t\;limited"\; cards\, up to 3 copies of "\;standard"\; cards\, and up to 6 of "\;special"\; cards across BOTH decks).\nFor examp le\, if one player uses a copy of Rebirth\, the other can not use it at al l\; if one player uses 2 copies of Paperclip\, the other can only use up t o 1\; if one player uses 4 copies of Spy Camera\, the other can only use u p to 2\, etc.\nLatest MWL\, errata and standard rotation are all in effect .\nDecklists will be collected before the start of the tournament.\nThe to urnament will be played in Swiss format\, pairing teams against each other . The number of rounds will be determined by the number of participants. T here will be no Top Cut or elimination rounds afterwards. Table talk betwe en team mates during games is highly encouraged.\nSide Event B: Board game s!\nFree event\, pre-registration not necessary\nOn offer: Android (up to 5 players)\, New Angeles (up to 6 players)\, Android: Mainframe (up to 4 p layers)\, 2 Tags &\; A Boom! (up to 30 players)\, Android: Love Letter (up to 4 players)\, and Hive:Android:Netrunner (world premiere of this 2 p layer retheme of Hive) (...if someone can bring Android: Infiltration\, th at would be lovely)\n14:00 – 15:00 – Lunch break (many options in the area\, you’ll get all the information at the event)\n15:00 – 18:00 – Top 8 Cut - Second Half\n15:00 – 18:00 – Side Events - Teamwork Tourn ey &\; board games\n18:15 – 18:45 – Results announcements &\; wr ap-up\n18:45 – 19:00 – cleanup &\; closing of DAY 2\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The sky above the port was the colour of a truit a de patates\, left on a plate for too long.\n“It’s not like I’m no longer playing”\, X heard someone say\, as they shouldered their way thr ough the crowd around a fruit stand in La Boqueria. “It’s like my mind ’s developed this massive ruse deficiency”. It was a Netrunner voice a nd a Netrunner joke. La Boqueria was still a place mostly for tourists\; y ou could roam around here for a weekend and never hear a word in Catalan.< /em>\nRita was tending the bar\, her flashy neon dreadlocks swaying ge ntly as she filled a tray with assorted tapas. She saw X and frowned\, her independentist face tattoos turning into a fearful mask for a second.\nX found a place at the bar\, between the laser-precision tan of a R ussian wielding a PadCam and the sweaty Hawaiian shirt of a tall Moroccan whose vantablack forearms looked military-grade.\n“Messy was in here early\, with two kickmurder pendejos”\, Rita said\, shoving a cass oleta brimming with bravas towards the Russian. “Maybe some business wit h you\, X?”\nX shrugged. The Moroccan to their right squinted d angerously at them and flexed his armoured digits.\nRita’s frow n deepened. Her tapas were the stuff of legend. In an age of mass-manufact ured nutrition\, there was something heroic about her dedication to gettin g the taste right with real ingredients. Her dreadlocks swung around heavi ly as she reached for a portion of mejillones en escabeche. She always pro grammed her hair to be easily recognized at the rave parties she frequente d - but for work\, she kept them in casual mode.\n“You are too much the player\, X”\, Rita snarled\; apparently she still couldn’t fo rget the vermut they spilled the other day. She pulled her hair back from her face before the styling algorithm could kick in. “You are the player of the slightly dead game.”\n“Sure\,” X said\, biting on t heir first brava of the day. “Somebody’s gotta play around here. Sure the collons isn’t going to be you.”
\nWe would like to invi te you to the first big event of the 2019 in Barcelona - B-Com 2: B-Com Ha rder!
\nEntry Fee: €20 (until 11th January 2019) / €30 (after 11th January 2019) (details below)\nTO/Judge: To Be Announced (no\, not Michael Boggs - we wish!)
\nLegal Card Pool: NISEI System Core 2019 + NISEI rotation + NISEI Most Wanted List are in effect.
\n< h1>PREREGISTRATION FOR THE MAIN EVENT\nTo register before the day of the event at a reduced price of €20 per person\, please send an email to with the following details:
\nIMPORTANT: preregi stration is open only until 11th January 2019. If you want to register fro m 12th January onwards\, the cost is €30.
\nWe can offer up to 34 places across a number o f very affordable apartments in the neighbourhood (not more than 15 minute s walking from the venue) to interested groups or solo travellers who are OK to share the accommodation with other participants.
\nFor all details about accommodation\, please contact Mar at pspacekitten@gmai - strictly on a "\;first come\, first serve"\; basis.
\nIf you have any questions\, comments\, ideas\ , suggestions\, criticisms\, event streaming\, additional prize support yo u'd like to donate or would like to volunteer to help with anything in par ticular\, you can message me on StimSlack (@Vesper) or e-mail me at vesper
\nWe also have #barcelona on StimSlack for questions o r meeting up with other people.
\nsub ject to change depending on circumstances
\n20:00 – Worlds of Android Quiz @ Melt down Barcelona:\nFree eve nt with a tip jar\, pre-registration not necessary
\nFor those arriving on Friday\, we’ll be hosting a Netrunner-themed quiz and there will be prizes! Pre-registration for this event is not necessary\, anyone who shows up can participate.
\nMenu offer: if you want to take advantage of our host's offer\, you can grab a €10 menu (1 pizza or sandwich + 1 drink + 1 cocktail + discounts on most other items a s part of the “Happy Hour”) - just make sure you let the organizer kno w you're interested in coming over that night.
\nAdmin of th e Server 1v1 mini-tournament: Play locally on - the w inner stays\, the loser goes. At the end of the night\, the person with th e most victories gets a prize!
\n10:00 - 10:30 - Main Event Registration &\; deckli st collection
\nStandard format: latest NISEI MWL a nd rotation
\nThe Main Event has a hard cap of 64 p articipants. Registration costs €30 on the day and €20 before the even t (registration details below).
\nDecklists are man datory and all cards must be in opaque sleeves. If you did not sl eeve your cards you will be required to purchase sleeves at Starship Games . Proxies will be permitted for those who have not been able to obtain ori ginal cards (within reason). If you have made proxies you will be need to show them to the TO to confirm their quality. Proxies must be printed and immediately recognizable as the card they represent\, writing the name of the card and a doodle of the art on a slip of paper will not be permitted.
\n11:00 – Start of Main Event Swiss (Rounds 1 - 2)\nWe will be playing five rounds of Swiss. Everyone will be given a comm emorative alternate art card.
\n13:15 – 14:45 – Lunch break (man y options in the area\, you’ll get all the information at the event)
\n15:00 – 19:30 – Main Event Swiss (Rounds 3 - 4 - 5)
\n19:35 – Announcing results / Top 8 Cut
\n19:45 – cleanup &\; closing of DAY 1
\n21:30 – drinks/din ner/party time (you’ll get all the information at the event)
\n10:30 – Start of Top 8 Cut - First Half\nThe Top 8 Cut games will be played using the double elimination bracket.
\n10:45 – Start of Side Events
\nSide Event A: Teamwork Tourney\nFre e event\, pre-registration not necessary (but encouraged)\nSign your team up here\, with a team name and the n ames of the team members.
\nSide Event Rules: Two-person teams. Each member of the team brings one Runner and one Corp deck. Both Runners and both Corps have to be from the SAME faction\, but the identities have to be DIFFERENT.\nFor example\, an Anarch-HB team will have 2 different An arch IDs and 2 different HB IDs.
\nIn addition to this\, each indivi dual card can only be used as many times as it is legally allowed to be in ONE deck when counting cards across BOTH decks (so\, up to 1 copy of &quo t\;limited"\; cards\, up to 3 copies of "\;standard"\; cards\, and up to 6 of "\;special"\; cards across BOTH decks).\nFor examp le\, if one player uses a copy of Rebirth\, the other can not use it at al l\; if one player uses 2 copies of Paperclip\, the other can only use up t o 1\; if one player uses 4 copies of Spy Camera\, the other can only use u p to 2\, etc.\nLatest MWL\, errata and standard rotation are all in effect .\nDecklists will be collected before the start of the tournament.
\nThe tournament will be played in Swiss format\, pairing teams against eac h other. The number of rounds will be determined by the number of particip ants. There will be no Top Cut or elimination rounds afterwards. Table tal k between team mates during games is highly encouraged.
\nSi de Event B: Board games!\nFree event\, pre-registration not n ecessary
\nOn offer: Android (up to 5 players)\, New Angeles (u p to 6 players)\, Android: Mainframe (up to 4 players)\, 2 Tags &\; A B oom! (up to 30 players)\, Android: Love Letter (up to 4 players)\, and Hiv e:Android:Netrunner (world premiere of this 2 player retheme of Hive) (... if someone can bring Android: Infiltration\, that would be lovely)
\n14:00 – 15:00 – Lunch break (many options in the area\, you’ll get all the information at the event)
\n15:00 – 18:00 – Top 8 Cut - Second Half
\n15:00 – 18:00 – Side Even ts - Teamwork Tourney &\; board games
\n18:15 – 18:45 – Results announcements &\; wrap-up
\n18:45 – 19:00 – cleanup &\; closing of DAY 2