BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1711alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20181111T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20181111T235900 URL: servers-2018 LOCATION:Scotland St\, Sheffield S3 7AA\, UK SUMMARY:Charity Gift - President of Servers 2018 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Given the amount of effort that Richard Hammond has put into Ch arity Gift 2018\, we thought we’d take advantage of the presence of so m any players in Sheffield to run a President of Servers event on Sunday 11t h November\, along the same lines as the UK Nationals President of Servers run by Alex White.\nWe will be holding the event at The Hide\, Scotland S t\, Sheffield S3 7AA\, registration will be at 10 am for an 10:30 am start .\nTournament Details\nFor those not familiar with team Netrunner events\, the concept is as follows:\nTeams of 3 each register for the event via th is website.\nNo two players on each team may play the same faction\, eithe r as runner or corp. Mini-factions are considered a single faction.\nWe wi ll play 4 or 5 65 minute rounds of Swiss\, depending on the number of team s registered.\nPrestige is gained as in regular Swiss\, with the total tea m prestige for each round counting towards their total score.\nTeams will be paired according to Swiss rules\, with teams of like total prestige fac ing off. Players in the matchups will then be seated in order of their ind ividual prestige\, so the highest prestige player on a team will play the highest prestige player on the opposing team\, and so forth for the remain ing two players.\nTeam talk is allowed - encouraged\, even! - except durin g the last 5 minutes of each round.\nDeckbuilding rules are as follows:\nC urrent MWL applies\nChampions cards are legal\nProxies are legal\nDecklist s are not required\nFood and Drink\nThe venue has an on-site cafe which ca n provide hot drinks\, cakes\, and a pre-booked sandwich menu on the day. There are several local food establishments within walking distance.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Given the amount of effort that Richard Ham mond has put into Charity Gift 2018\, we thought we’d take advantage of the presence of so many players in Sheffield to run a President of Servers event on Sunday 11th November\, along the same lines as the UK Nationals President of Servers run by Alex White.


We will be holding the eve nt at The Hide\, Scotland St\, Sheffield S3 7AA\, registration will be at 10 am for an 10:30 am start.


Tournament Details\nFor those not fam iliar with team Netrunner events\, the concept is as follows:


Team s of 3 each register for the event via this website.\nNo two players on ea ch team may play the same faction\, either as runner or corp. Mini-faction s are considered a single faction.\nWe will play 4 or 5 65 minute rounds o f Swiss\, depending on the number of teams registered.\nPrestige is gained as in regular Swiss\, with the total team prestige for each round countin g towards their total score.\nTeams will be paired according to Swiss rule s\, with teams of like total prestige facing off. Players in the matchups will then be seated in order of their individual prestige\, so the highest prestige player on a team will play the highest prestige player on the op posing team\, and so forth for the remaining two players.\nTeam talk is al lowed - encouraged\, even! - except during the last 5 minutes of each roun d.\nDeckbuilding rules are as follows:


Current MWL applies\nChampi ons cards are legal\nProxies are legal\nDecklists are not required


Food and Drink\nThe venue has an on-site cafe which can provide hot drink s\, cakes\, and a pre-booked sandwich menu on the day. There are several l ocal food establishments within walking distance.