BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1709alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20181124T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20181124T235900 URL: k LOCATION:79 Station Rd\, Taunton TA1 1PB\, UK SUMMARY:Netrunner Prize Bonanza GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We'd love to see you at our next GNK at The Geek Lab UK in Taun ton! Whether you're interested in great prize support\, a welcoming and fr iendly group of players\, free snacks\, fun and laughs or just plain old f un games of Netrunner\, we've got something for everyone!\nWhen: Saturday 24th November 2018\nWhere: The Geek Lab UK\, 79 Station Road\, Taunton\, T A1 1PB\nRegistration from: 13:00\nRound 1 begins: 13:30\nRound length: 65 mins\nEntry Fee: £5\nStructure: 4 rounds of Swiss\nApprox end time: 18:30 \nThis will be our first GNK with standard deckbuilding rules - MWL2.2 wil l be in effect\, with community and Champion cards released at Magnum Opus not legal. As this event will take place after FFG support ends\, the exa ct format may change depending on any guidance issued by NISEI before the event. Any changes will be posted here and the format/rules will be locked in 1 week prior to the event.\nCobra will be used to manage pairings and allow everyone to monitor their progress\, the tournament specific page is here.\nDecklists will not be required\, just your Corp and Runner decks i n opaque sleeves and enough tokens to play.\nIf you need to borrow anythin g to be able to take part\, post here and someone will likely be able to l end you what you need. Failing this\, proxies will be permitted\, please j ust advise us on the day that you are running proxies so we can check they are of a suitable quality.\nThe Geek Lab is easy to get to - if you're ar riving at Taunton train station\, walk from either side of the station dow n to Station Road and turn left. The store is then just a few hundred yard s down Station Road on the right (just after the old store location\, whic h may still have Geek Lab signage displayed).\nParking is available at Kil kenny Car Park for a charge on Saturdays\, or free on-street parking witho ut time restrictions can be found in the surrounding area - Herbert Street and Rupert Street are probably the closest\, 5-10 mins walk away.\nIf you have any other questions at all\, just post in the discussion and someone will likely be able to help you.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

We'd love to see you at our next GNK at The Geek Lab UK in Taunton! Whether you're interested in great prize support\ , a welcoming and friendly group of players\, free snacks\, fun and laughs or just plain old fun games of Netrunner\, we've got something for everyo ne!


When: Saturday 24th November 2018\nWh ere: The Geek Lab UK\, 79 Station Road\, Taunton\, TA1 1PB\nRegistration from: 13:00\nRound 1 begins: 13: 30\nRound length: 65 mins\nEntry Fee: £ 5\nStructure: 4 rounds of Swiss\nApprox end time: 18:30


This will be our first GNK with standard deckbuild ing rules - MWL2.2 will be in ef fect\, with community and Champion cards released at Magnum Opus not legal. As this event will take place after FFG support ends\, the exac t format may change depending on any guidance issued by NISEI before the e vent. Any changes will be posted here and the format/rules will be locked in 1 week prior to the event.


Cobra will be used to manage pairing s and allow everyone to monitor their progress\, the tournament specific p age is here.


Decklists will not be re quired\, just your Corp and Runner decks in opaque sleeves and enough toke ns to play.


If you need to borrow anything to be able to take part \, post here and someone will likely be able to lend you what you need. Fa iling this\, proxies will be permitted\, please just advise us on the day that you are running proxies so we can check they are of a suitable qualit y.


The Geek Lab is easy to get to - if you're arriving at Taunton train station\, walk from either side of the station down to Station Road and turn left. The store is then just a few hundred yards down Station Roa d on the right (just after the old store location\, which may still have G eek Lab signage displayed).


Parking is available at Kilkenny Car P ark for a charge on Saturdays\, or free on-street parking without time res trictions can be found in the surrounding area - Herbert Street and Rupert Street are probably the closest\, 5-10 mins walk away.


If you hav e any other questions at all\, just post in the discussion and someone wil l likely be able to help you.