BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1708alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20190209T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20190210T235900 URL: nament-berlin-2-days LOCATION:Modersohnstraße 55\, 10245 Berlin\, Germany SUMMARY:Double Play Community Tournament Berlin (2 days) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Save the Date for the fourth Community Tournament in Berlin!\nS chedule:\n XVSej6KHOjwCOyJlB9c/edit?usp=sharing\nGoogle Docs list for teams and free agents:\n w0nQvi0aUPE4uBke0w/edit?usp=sharing\nEntry:\nRun on Berlin City Grid 20€ / Chancellor of Servers 15€ ->\; together 25€ until 08.02.2019\nRun on Berlin City Grid 23€ / Chancellor of Servers 18€ ->\; together 2 8€ paying on the Day.\nYou can pay via Paypal or Bank transfer. Paypal a dress:\nMore details and pictures soon\nDear Netrunner C ommunity\,\nThe Berlin Netrunner players are happy to announce and invite you to the FOURTH community event in Berlin. This community event will b e a full two-day Netrunner feast\, including a CHANCELLOR OF SERVERS and a Competetive Event. This will be a lot fo fun!!!\nDetails:\nOn Saturday:\n RUN ON BERLIN CITY GRID\nRegistration starts: 10 am\nFirst Round starts: 1 1 am\n5 to 6 rounds of Swiss + Top 3 playoff\nEntry fee: see on the top of this page\nPrizes:\nWinner: Small trophy\, High valuable promos and other goodies\nTop 3: High valuable promos und other prizes\nTop 4: Special pla ymat designed by Jakuza.\nTop 8: Additional prizes like promos or other co ol stuff\nEach player gets a participation prize.\nSpecial prize for the p articipant with the longest journey to the event.\nSpecial prize for the y oungest participants.\nSpecial prize for the last place finisher\nRandom p rizes: Each round we announce one random player or table to get some extra prizes!\nMore detailed prizes will be announced soon.\nOn Sunday:\nCHANCE LLOR OF SERVERS (3-Player Teams)\nRegistration Starts: 10am\nFirst Round S tarts: 11 am\nSwiss rounds based on attendees.\nEntry :See down below\nPri zes:TBA\nParticipation: TBA\nTop 3 Teams: TBA\nTop Team: TBA\nMore Prizes TBA\nEvent Organizer: Dominic "\;Dome_"\; Milinski\nPlayer Cap: 42 \, please Pay upfront to save a spot!\nfor organizing purposes I am going to ask you to pay upfront to secure a spot for you. Paying at the venue w ill costs you slightly more because of planing purposes:\nYou can pay via Paypal or Bank transfer. Paypal adress:\nCards are allow ed in any language.\nPlease Notice the Chancellor of Server Rules:\nA Team consists of 3 players. A player chooses to play a Corp and a Runner facti on. Players from that team can't choose the same faction to play in this t ournament.\nExample: Corp / Runner\nPlayer A: Weyland / Criminal\nPlayer B : NBN / Shaper\nPlayer C: Jinteki / Anarch\n(Note: Mini factions is factio n\, too)\nYour teams will get paired by swiss. You collect Prestige during the tournament for you and your team. Your teamscore is important as well as your personal score. You will be always paired as with someone who has the same prestige as you. So the strongest player from your team will alw ays be paired with the strongest player from the opponent team!\nWhy shoul d you participate?\nWe want to have a cool event. We want to have fun\, we want to play netrunner! We want to have fun on the international level.\n People from different countries come( NL\, PL\, CZ) and attend and play so me cool matches with us. We Want to have a nice evening program with beer and cocktails\, or we try to show you a part of our city.\nWe will make so me photos\, try to have a small coverage such as a Stream if possible.\nNo w it's your turn! You want a cool weekend full of netrunner? Cool prizes\, cool people and tons of fun? You found it! Plan your trip to Berlin\, now !!!\nWe will welcome you with open servers. We're looking forward for you and your cool built decks.\nDo you have questions? Don’t hesitate to ask them!\nWe see us in Berlin on February 09th and 10th\, 2019!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Save the Date for the fourth Community Tour nament in Berlin!
\nSchedule:\n d/1gtjyfj1rGGBHkgao1SgVngR3XVSej6KHOjwCOyJlB9c/edit?usp=sharing
\nGo ogle Docs list for teams and free agents:
\n spreadsheets/d/12_oFwUzTtN0HubWn1CVxyXIE7w0nQvi0aUPE4uBke0w/edit?usp=shari ng
\nEntry:\nRun on Berlin City Grid 20€/ Chancellor of Se rvers 15€ ->\; together 25€ until 08.02.2019\nRun on Berlin City Gr id 23€ / Chancellor of Servers 18€ ->\; together 28€ paying on the Day.
\nYou can pay via Paypal or Bank transfer. Paypal adr ess:
\nMore details and pictures soon
\nDear Netrunner Community\,\nThe Berlin Netrunner players are happy to announce and invite you to the FOURTH community event in Berlin . This community event will be a full two-day Netrunner feast\, including a CHANCELLOR OF SERVERS and a Competetive Event. This will be a lot fo fun !!!\nDetails:
\nOn Saturday:
\nRegistration starts: 10 am\nFirst Round starts: 11 am\n5 to 6 rounds of Swiss + Top 3 playoff\nEntry fee: see on the top of this page\nPrizes:\nW inner: Small trophy\, High valuable promos and other goodies\nTop 3: High valuable promos und other prizes\nTop 4: Special playmat designed by Jakuz a.\nTop 8: Additional prizes like promos or other cool stuff\nEach player gets a participation prize.\nSpecial prize for the participant with the lo ngest journey to the event.\nSpecial prize for the youngest participants.\ nSpecial prize for the last place finisher\nRandom prizes: Each round we a nnounce one random player or table to get some extra prizes!\nMore detaile d prizes will be announced soon.
\nOn Sunday:
\nRegistration Starts: 10am\nFirst Round Starts: 11 am\nSwiss rounds based on attendees.\nEntry :See down below\nPr izes:TBA\nParticipation: TBA\nTop 3 Teams: TBA\nTop Team: TBA\nMore Prizes TBA
\nEvent Organizer: Dominic "\;Dome_"\; Milinski\nPlayer Cap: 42\, please Pay upfront to save a spot!
\nfor organizing purp oses I am going to ask you to pay upfront to secure a spot for you. Paying at the venue will costs you slightly more because of planing purposes:
\nYou can pay via Paypal or Bank transfer. Paypal adress: d.mi
\nCards are allowed in any language.
\nPlease Notice the Chancellor of Server Rules:\nA Team consists of 3 player s. A player chooses to play a Corp and a Runner faction. Players from that team can't choose the same faction to play in this tournament.\nExample: Corp / Runner\nPlayer A: Weyland / Criminal\nPlayer B: NBN / Shaper\nPlaye r C: Jinteki / Anarch\n(Note: Mini factions is faction\, too)
\nYour teams will get paired by swiss. You collect Prestige during the tournamen t for you and your team. Your teamscore is important as well as your perso nal score. You will be always paired as with someone who has the same pres tige as you. So the strongest player from your team will always be paired with the strongest player from the opponent team!
\nWhy should you p articipate?\nWe want to have a cool event. We want to have fun\, we want t o play netrunner! We want to have fun on the international level.\nPeople from different countries come( NL\, PL\, CZ) and attend and play some cool matches with us. We Want to have a nice evening program with beer and coc ktails\, or we try to show you a part of our city.\nWe will make some phot os\, try to have a small coverage such as a Stream if possible.\nNow it's your turn! You want a cool weekend full of netrunner? Cool prizes\, cool p eople and tons of fun? You found it! Plan your trip to Berlin\, now!!!\nWe will welcome you with open servers. We're looking forward for you and you r cool built decks.\nDo you have questions? Don’t hesitate to ask them!< /p>\n
We see us in Berlin on February 09th and 10th\, 2019!