BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1704alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20181206 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20181207 URL: LOCATION:3 Jubilee Parkway\, Jubilee Business Park\, Stores Road\, Derby DE 21 4BJ\, UK SUMMARY:Network Crash3 (GNK) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The third instalment of Network Crash - our GNK format event\, with added spice!\nWe will be running 3 rounds of swiss\, using prize supp ort from the Q3 OP kit.\nIn addition to all the regular awesomeness of pla ying Netrunner for an evening\, Network Crash also runs an optional achiev ement system where players can earn points over a number of events for doi ng cool stuff during a game. At the end of a season\, additional prizes wi ll be awarded to those who have unlocked the most achievements.\nThis mont h's event is in Derby (we alternative between Nottingham and Derby) and wi ll be hosted at Boards &\; Swords. Event starts at 7pm sharp\, registra tion from 6.30pm. £5.\nLegal card-pool:\nPost Rotation\, WML 2.2\nMagnum Opus event/championship cards are not permitted at this event.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The third instalment of Network Crash - our GNK format event\, with added spice!


We will be running 3 rounds of swiss\, using prize support from the Q3 OP kit.


In addition to all the regular awesomeness of playing Netrunner for an evening\, Network Crash also runs an optional achievement system where players can earn poin ts over a number of events for doing cool stuff during a game. At the end of a season\, additional prizes will be awarded to those who have unlocked the most achievements.


This month's event is in Derby (we alterna tive between Nottingham and Derby) and will be hosted at Boards &\; Swo rds. Event starts at 7pm sharp\, registration from 6.30pm. £5.


Le gal card-pool:\nPost Rotation\, WML 2.2\nMagnum Opus event/championship ca rds are not permitted at this event.