BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1697alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20181013T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20181013T235900 URL: k LOCATION:79 Station Rd\, Taunton TA1 1PB\, UK SUMMARY:Netrunner Prize Bonanza GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come along to our next Netrunner GNK\, there will be good games \, fun times\, laughs and prize support galore\, so whatever you're into\, you'll find something to take your fancy.\nThe important details:\nWhen: Saturday 13th October 2018\nWhere: The Geek Lab UK\, 79 Station Road\, Tau nton\, TA1 1PB\nRegistration from: 13:00\nRound 1 start: 13:30\nEntry fee: £5\nFormat: ("\;Onesies"\;\, see below)\n1.1.1.1 (or &qu ot\;Onesies"\;) is a deckbuilding format for Netrunner designed to low er the barriers to entry for newer players while also providing an interes ting challenge to experienced players.\nPlayers build each of their decks from a cardpool containing one Revised Core Set\, one Deluxe ("\;Big B ox"\;) expansion\, one Data Pack and one playset of any card:\n1 Revis ed Core Set\nOnly 1 or 2 copies allowed of cards which only have 1 or 2 co pies in the Revised Core Set respectively. Using physical cards from Origi nal Core Sets is allowed\, as long as they also appear in the Revised Core Set.\n1 Deluxe Expansion\nFor example: Creation &\; Control\, Terminal Directive or Reign and Reverie\, etc.\n1 Data Pack\nFor example: Council of the Crest\, Free Mars or Quorum\, etc.\n1 Card\nUp to a full playset of any individual card. For example\, one Rebirth\, 3 Engolo or 6 Spy Camera \, etc.\nFree ID Choice: Not restricted by the above cardpool\, so for exa mple even if you have selected Creation &\; Control as your Deluxe and Down The White Nile as your Data Pack\, you can still have Hayley as your ID.\nRunner &\; Corp Independent: Your chosen Deluxe and Data Pack can be different for your Corp and Runner decks.\nAll other deckbuilding const raints (including the latest MWL 2.2) will be in effect. Community and cha mpion cards released at Magnum Opus will not be legal. Decklists will not be required\, just both decks in opaque sleeves and enough tokens to play. \nIf you need to borrow anything to be able to take part\, post on Faceboo k and someone will likely be able to lend you what you need. Failing this\ , proxies will be permitted\, please just advise us on the day that you ar e running proxies so we can check they are of a suitable quality.\nIf you have any other questions at all\, just post in the discussion on FaceBook and someone will likely be able to help you.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Come along to our next Netrunner GNK\, ther e will be good games\, fun times\, laughs and prize support galore\, so wh atever you're into\, you'll find something to take your fancy.


The important details:\nWhen: Saturday 13th October 2018\nWhere: The Geek Lab UK\, 79 Station Road\, Taunton\, TA1 1P B\nRegistration from: 13:00\nRound 1 start: 13:30\nEntry fee: £5\nFormat: 1.1.1 .1 ("\;Onesies"\;\, see below)

\n (or "\;Onesies& quot\;) is a deckbuilding format for Netrunner designed to lower the barri ers to entry for newer players while also providing an interesting challen ge to experienced players.


Players build each of their decks from a cardpool containing one Revised Core Set\, one Deluxe ("\;Big Box&qu ot\;) expansion\, one Data Pack and one playset of any card:


1 Revised Core Set\nOnly 1 or 2 copies allowed of cards which only hav e 1 or 2 copies in the Revised Core Set respectively. Using physical cards from Original Core Sets is allowed\, as long as they also appear in the R evised Core Set.


1 Deluxe Expansion\nFor example: Creatio n &\; Control\, Terminal Directive or Reign and Reverie\, etc.


1 Data Pack\nFor example: Council of the Crest\, Free Mars or Quo rum\, etc.


1 Card\nUp to a full playset of any individual card. For example\, one Rebirth\, 3 Engolo or 6 Spy Camera\, etc.


Free ID Choice: Not restricted by the above cardpool\, s o for example even if you have selected Creation &\; Control as your De luxe and Down The White Nile as your Data Pack\, you can still have Hayley as your ID.


Runner &\; Corp Independent: Your chosen Deluxe and Data Pack can be different for your Corp and Runner dec ks.


All other deckbuilding constraints (including the latest MWL 2.2) wil l be in effect. Community and champion cards released at Magnum Opus will not be legal. Decklists will not be required\, just both decks in opaque sleeves and enough tokens to play.


If you need to borrow anything to be able to take part\, post on Facebook and someone wil l likely be able to lend you what you need. Failing this\, proxies will be permitted\, please just advise us on the day that you are running proxies so we can check they are of a suitable quality.


If you have any o ther questions at all\, just post in the discussion on FaceBook and someon e will likely be able to help you.