BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1684alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20181002T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20181002T235900 URL: LOCATION:3 Jubilee Parkway\, Jubilee Business Park\, Stores Road\, Derby DE 21 4BJ\, UK SUMMARY:Network Crash1 (GNK) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The first of our new Netrunner Network Crash event\, to be host ed monthly (one month in Derby\, the next in Nottingham). This first event is being hosted by Boards &\; Swords Derby and prize support will be t he official season 3 organised play kit.\nIn addition to the 'regular' GNK format\, an achievement system will be in effect\, allowing players to ea rn points towards additional prizes. Details about this will be revealed o n the night.\n£5 to take part.\nRegistration will be from 6:30 and the ev ent will start at 7pm.\nMWL2.2\, post-rotation\, cards up to Reign &\; Reverie.\nAlt arts and proxies are allowed providing the rules for the car d can be clearly read.\nNote: Magnum Opus Event/Champ cards are not permit ted at this event.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The first of our new Netrunner Network Cras h event\, to be hosted monthly (one month in Derby\, the next in Nottingha m). This first event is being hosted by Boards &\; Swords Derby and pri ze support will be the official season 3 organised play kit.
\nIn ad dition to the 'regular' GNK format\, an achievement system will be in effe ct\, allowing players to earn points towards additional prizes. Details ab out this will be revealed on the night.
\n£5 to take part.\nRegistr ation will be from 6:30 and the event will start at 7pm.\nMWL2.2\, post-ro tation\, cards up to Reign &\; Reverie.\nAlt arts and proxies are allow ed providing the rules for the card can be clearly read.\nNote: Magnum Opu s Event/Champ cards are not permitted at this event.