BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1679alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20181103T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20181103T235900 URL: ing-for-smiles LOCATION:S4 23\, 68161 Mannheim\, Germany SUMMARY:[Mannheim GER] 03.11.2018 - Running for Smiles CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Running for Smiles an Android: Netrunner Fundraiser Tournament\ nParking: free parking spaces are rare in the city of Mannheim\nMost usefu ll in the past has been this parking house close to the store (http://www. . As another advantage it is in a building w ith some super markets where you can last minute shop some food or beverag es.\nDate: Saterday\, 03.11.2018\nCheck-In starts: 10:30 AM CET\nTourmanet starts: 11:00 AM CET\nFormat: Swiss\, number of rounds depending on numbe r of players. No Cut\nCardpool: all legal Sets (incl. Champion or Magnum O pus cards)\nRules: Standard FFG. Newest MWL\nStarting fee: 20\,00 Euro (in words "\;twenty Euro"\;). All revenues will be donated to Operati on Smile.\nDecklist: not needed. Take care not to include cards that rotat ed out and stick to the newest MWL\nPrizes: A lot of potential prices fina l prizepool will be depending of the number of participants\nPreregistrati on:\nmaximum number of palyers: 32\nofficial list of preregistered players will be updated as often as possible in the announcement post in the germ an asmodee message boards\nIf more than 32 players register there will be a waiting list.\nTurnierorganisator (TO): Tantauralus\nfor more infos chec k:\;t=28281\nTweets with picture of most of the potential prizes:\n status/1045286562551001088\n 707636178945\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Running for Smiles an Android: Netrunner Fu ndraiser Tournament
\nParking: free parking spaces are rare in the city of Mannheim\nMost usefull in the past has been this p arking house close to the store ( . As another advantage it is in a building with some super markets where y ou can last minute shop some food or beverages.
\nDate: Saterday\, 03.11.2018
\nCheck-In starts: 10:30 AM CET
\nTourmanet starts: 11:00 AM CET
\nFormat: Swiss\, number of rounds depending on number of pla
yers. No Cut
Cardpool: all legal Sets (incl. Cham pion or Magnum Opus cards)
\nRules: Standard FFG. N ewest MWL
\nStarting fee: 20\,00 Euro (in words &qu ot\;twenty Euro"\;). All revenues will be donated to Operation Smile.< /p>\n
Decklist: not needed. Take care not to include ca rds that rotated out and stick to the newest MWL
\nPrizes: strong> A lot of potential prices final prizepool will be depending of the number of participants
\nmaximum number of palyers: 32\nofficial list of preregist ered players will be updated as often as possible in the announcement post in the german asmodee message boards\nIf more than 32 players register th ere will be a waiting list.
\nTurnierorganisator (TO): Tantauralus
\nfor more infos check: wtopic.php?f=228&\;t=28281
\nTweets with picture of most of the p otential prizes:\n 88\n\nhttps://tw