BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1676alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Athens:20180923T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Athens:20180923T235900 URL: LOCATION:10-12\, Orfeos\, Galatsi 111 46\, Greece SUMMARY:Greek Nationals 2018 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Η μεγάλη στιγμή έφτασε!\nΤα καταστή ματα Κάισσα και το σας προσκαλο ύν στο Πανελλήνιο τουρνουά για το Android: Net runner LCG\, το οποίο θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο Th e Rubicon - Escape Rooms\, Board Games.\n➤Ώρα: 10 το πρωί εγ γραφές / 11:00 έναρξη\n➤Organizers: George Karabinis\, Manol is Trahiotis\, Yannis Krommydas\n➤Marshal: Chris Paliogiorgos\n➤Συμ μετοχή: 20 ευρώ (Mε καφέ και 1 μπαγκέτα γαλο πούλα)\n➤Round Time: 65 mins\n➤Format: Swiss with Double Eliminat ion Cut\n➤Decklists: Υποχρεωτικές\n➤Prizes:\nTop 64\nThe T op 64 participants at each 2018 Android: Netrunner National Championship g et a stunning\, alternate-art version of the Revised Core Set's Anarch run nner\, Reina Roja.\nFeaturing full-bleed art by Christina Davis\, this ver sion of Reina Roja recalls her formative years as a drone operator with th e US Electronic Warfare Service on Mars\, and you'll find the art repeated without interruption on the card back.\nTop 32\nStay ahead of your compet ition as the field narrows\, and you'll earn another custom g-modded runne r ID. Available to the Top 32 participants at each 2018 Android: Netrunner National Championship\, this tinted plastic version of Hayley Kaplan offe rs you a stylish take on one of the game's most competitive runner IDs.\nT op 16\nSomething for the Corp fans\, too!\nThe Top 16 players at each 2018 Android: Netrunner National Championship win a set of twelve silver advan cement tokens.\nUse these tokens to advance your biggest agendas. Use them to advance your ambushes. Just use them… Runners will feel compelled to throw themselves against your servers\, certain that your custom tokens s ignify something critical!\nTop 8\nThe Top 8 players at each 2018 Android: Netrunner National Championship claim a playmat featuring Haas-Bioroid's smiling defense construct.\nTop 4\nAs a chess enthusiast\, Reina Roja unde rstands that there are numerous ways you can manipulate the same pieces. E ach move leads to new permutations and possibilities. Two players might br ing the same ID—maybe even the same deck—but their decisions over time will lead them down different paths.\nTo make at the Top 4 at a 2018 Andr oid: Netrunner National Championship\, you'll need to make all the right d ecisions\, all the right moves. You'll need to get more value from each of your cards\, and the Top 4 prize card reinforces this fact.\nA durable\, spot-glossed plastic version of the same Reina Roja ID you get for making the Top 64\, this card comes foil stamped to commemorate your Top 4 finish . And even if you don't run Reina Roja at your next tournament\, you might still benefit from her ability by hosting her on DJ Fenris (Reign and Rev erie\, 25) once Reign and Reverie is released.\nFinalists\nOne of the grea test truths about Android: Netrunner is that there's always another run. T here's always a runner looking to get rich\, trash a corp\, or prove a poi nt. There's always a corporate sysop prepping the newest defenses—someth ing deadly or devious\, or both. There's always a chance to push for highe r stakes…\nAs a finalist at one of the 2018 Android: Netrunner National Championships\, you'll earn the right to compete for the highest stakes of them all. The Top 2 players at each National Championship win a free seat at the next Android: Netrunner World Championships!\nNational Champion\nW in a 2018 Android: Netrunner National Championship\, and you'll have prove n yourself an exceptional talent—a major player in the greatest cyberstr uggles of New Angeles and beyond. And you'll have had to do it all without extensive g-modding or cybernetic enhancements.\nAs National Champion\, y ou'll commemorate your success with a trophy of Reina Roja standing before the New Angeles skyline\, and you'll gain access to the next level of com petition…\nYour victory at the 2018 Android: Netrunner National Champion ships will boost your World Championship run by granting you access to a P rize Bye that allows you to bypass the first round of ice and vaulting you ahead of the other runners. Just be ready for that deeper layer of ice!\n To παρόν τουρνουά αποτελεί ένα από τα υψη λότερα στη βαθμίδα των τουρνουά της FFG\, τ ο οποίο σημαίνει ότι όλοι οι παίχτες θα π ρέπει να γνωρίζουν τους κανόνες του παιχ νιδιού αλλά και τα παρακάτω.\n➤ FAQ: http://bit.l y/NetrunnerFAQ\n➤ Errata:\n➤ Fundamental Event Document:\n➤ Tournament Regulations: htt p://\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Η μεγάλη στιγμή έφτασε!\ nΤα καταστήματα Κάισσα και το σ ας προσκαλούν στο Πανελλήνιο τουρνουά γ ια το Android: Netrunner LCG\, το οποίο θα πραγματοπ οιηθεί στο The Rubicon - Escape Rooms\, Board Games.


➤ Ώρα: 10 το πρωί εγγραφές / 11:00 έναρξη\n➤Organiz ers: George Karabinis\, Manolis Trahiotis\, Yannis Krommydas\n➤Marshal: Chris Paliogiorgos\n➤Συμμετοχή: 20 ευρώ (Mε καφέ κα ι 1 μπαγκέτα γαλοπούλα)\n➤Round Time: 65 mins\n➤Form at: Swiss with Double Elimination Cut\n➤Decklists: Υποχρεωτικ ές\n➤Prizes:\nTop 64\nThe Top 64 participants at each 2018 Android: Ne trunner National Championship get a stunning\, alternate-art version of th e Revised Core Set's Anarch runnner\, Reina Roja.\nFeaturing full-bleed ar t by Christina Davis\, this version of Reina Roja recalls her formative ye ars as a drone operator with the US Electronic Warfare Service on Mars\, a nd you'll find the art repeated without interruption on the card back.


Top 32\nStay ahead of your competition as the field narrows\, and you 'll earn another custom g-modded runner ID. Available to the Top 32 partic ipants at each 2018 Android: Netrunner National Championship\, this tinted plastic version of Hayley Kaplan offers you a stylish take on one of the game's most competitive runner IDs.


Top 16\nSomething for the Corp fans\, too!\nThe Top 16 players at each 2018 Android: Netrunner National Championship win a set of twelve silver advancement tokens.\nUse these tok ens to advance your biggest agendas. Use them to advance your ambushes. Ju st use them… Runners will feel compelled to throw themselves against you r servers\, certain that your custom tokens signify something critical!


Top 8\nThe Top 8 players at each 2018 Android: Netrunner National Ch ampionship claim a playmat featuring Haas-Bioroid's smiling defense constr uct.


Top 4\nAs a chess enthusiast\, Reina Roja understands that th ere are numerous ways you can manipulate the same pieces. Each move leads to new permutations and possibilities. Two players might bring the same ID —maybe even the same deck—but their decisions over time will lead them down different paths.\nTo make at the Top 4 at a 2018 Android: Netrunner National Championship\, you'll need to make all the right decisions\, all the right moves. You'll need to get more value from each of your cards\, a nd the Top 4 prize card reinforces this fact.\nA durable\, spot-glossed pl astic version of the same Reina Roja ID you get for making the Top 64\, th is card comes foil stamped to commemorate your Top 4 finish. And even if y ou don't run Reina Roja at your next tournament\, you might still benefit from her ability by hosting her on DJ Fenris (Reign and Reverie\, 25) once Reign and Reverie is released.


Finalists\nOne of the greatest tru ths about Android: Netrunner is that there's always another run. There's a lways a runner looking to get rich\, trash a corp\, or prove a point. Ther e's always a corporate sysop prepping the newest defenses—something dead ly or devious\, or both. There's always a chance to push for higher stakes …\nAs a finalist at one of the 2018 Android: Netrunner National Champion ships\, you'll earn the right to compete for the highest stakes of them al l. The Top 2 players at each National Championship win a free seat at the next Android: Netrunner World Championships!


National Champion\nWi n a 2018 Android: Netrunner National Championship\, and you'll have proven yourself an exceptional talent—a major player in the greatest cyberstru ggles of New Angeles and beyond. And you'll have had to do it all without extensive g-modding or cybernetic enhancements.\nAs National Champion\, yo u'll commemorate your success with a trophy of Reina Roja standing before the New Angeles skyline\, and you'll gain access to the next level of comp etition…\nYour victory at the 2018 Android: Netrunner National Champions hips will boost your World Championship run by granting you access to a Pr ize Bye that allows you to bypass the first round of ice and vaulting you ahead of the other runners. Just be ready for that deeper layer of ice!


To παρόν τουρνουά αποτελεί ένα από τα υψηλότερα στη βαθμίδα των τουρνουά της FF G\, το οποίο σημαίνει ότι όλοι οι παίχτες θα πρέπει να γνωρίζουν τους κανόνες του παιχνιδιού αλλά και τα παρακάτω.\n➤ FAQ: http ://\n➤ Errata:\n➤ Fun damental Event Document:\n➤ Tournament Regulati ons: