BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1675alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20181021T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20181021T235900 URL: d-portfolio-side-event LOCATION:Korte Houtstraat 13\, 2511 CC Den Haag\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Dutch Nationals: Diversified Portfolio side event CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:For the Dutch Netrunner Nationals side event\, we will play a b rand new format: Diversified Portfolio. Ever wanted to try your psi game h and at Nisei Division? Feel like you can make a solid Professor deck? Can' t wait to tell your buddies how you flatlined someone with Saraswati shena nigans? Then you should definitely come over to TTK on Sunday and play!\nF or a full description of the format + a list of all ID scores\, see this d ocument:\n bSQf0UlFoCL7dGs/edit?usp=sharing\n==In short==\n\nEvery corp and runner id entity will have a score\, from 0 to 5\, depending on how competitive they are.\nYour identities can't have a combined score of more than 5.\nPlayer s with a lower score are higher ranked in swiss and will be in the running for additional prizes.\nThe game plays like in standard format. Most rece nt MWL and rotation apply for deck building. Only exception is Rebirth\, w hich is considered removed.\nThe Worlds cards like Crowdfunding will be le gal for the event. The player-made cards (Hired Help and WTWB) will NOT be legal.\nThe focus is on a challenging and fun experience\, where you get to play with and against ID's which you rarely/ever see in a tournament se tting.\n\n==Practical info==\n\nEntree fee is € 5 (includes a free drink on registration) and can be paid at the store itself.\nLocation is Tablet op Kingdom\, Korte Houtstraat 13.\nSign-up at 10.30\, round 1 starts at 11 am.\nWe will run 4 to 5 rounds of swiss\, possibly a small top cut\, depe nding on the turnout.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

For the Dutch Netrunner Nationals side even t\, we will play a brand new format: Diversified Portfolio. Ever wanted to try your psi game hand at Nisei Division? Feel like you can make a solid Professor deck? Can't wait to tell your buddies how you flatlined someone with Saraswati shenanigans? Then you should definitely come over to TTK on Sunday and play!


For a full description of the format + a list of all ID scores\, see this document:\n FB0kZLB-oJPfXRLZ2Ceo0vBv7S7bSQf0UlFoCL7dGs/edit?usp=sharing


==In s hort==


==Practical info==