BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1673alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Prague:20181202T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Prague:20181202T235900 URL: fresh LOCATION:Kotlářská 989/51a\, 602 00 Brno-střed-Veveří\, Czechia SUMMARY:Sunday's Nationals Cache Refresh CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Sunday's side event on CZ Nationals\n(click more and scroll dow n for card pool and MWL list)\nRegistration: 10:30\n1st round start: 11:00 \nEntrance fee: for CZ Nationals players - "\;free"\;\, for others : 5€\nThis side event is open for everyone (not only for players of &quo t\;main tournament"\;)...\nRegistration form link: REGISTER HERE\nIn t erms of time the CR tournament rounds will copy the main event TOPcut roun ds.\nWe will use biding system so the game will be one-sided.\n\nCard pool for this tournament is based on SOCR8 rules (you can discuss at stimhack. in channel #future-socr) with minor changes\n\n3x Revised Core\n 1x Big Box (Creation &\; Control\, Honor &\; Profit\, Order &\; C haos\, Data &\; Destiny) OR Terminal Directive (can be different on run ner and corp side)\nKitara cycle\nReign and Reverie\nChampion cards (Labor Rights\, Crowdfunding\, Embolus\, Slot Machine\, Border Control\, Timely Public Release)\n\n\nWe will use custom MWL for this tournament.\n(changes from standard MWL in bold)\nCorp side:\nRestricted\n\nSurveyor\nGlobal Fo od Initiative\nHunter Seeker\n\nRashida Jaheem\n\n\nMti Mwekundu\n\n\nBord er Control\n\n\nBanned\n\nEstelle Moon\n24/7 News Cycle\n\nOff the list\n\ n\nCerebral Imaging: Infinite Frontiers\n\n\nBrain Rewiring\n\n\nSkorpios Defense Systems: Persuasive Power\n\n\nRunner side:\nRestricted\n\nAesop's Pawnshop\nEmployee Strike\nMagnum Opus\nLevy AR Lab Access\n\nBanned\n\nN one\n\nOff the list\n\n\nZer0\n\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
(click more and scroll down for card pool and MWL list)
\nRegistration: 10:30\n1st round start: 11:00\nEntrance fee: for CZ Nationals players - "\;free"\;
\, for others: 5€
This side event is open for everyone (not only for players of "\;main tournament"\;)...
\nRegistra tion form link: REGISTER HERE
\nIn terms of time the CR tournament rounds will copy the main event TOPcut rounds.\nWe will use biding system so the game will be one-sided.
\nCard pool for this to urnament is based on SOCR8 rules (you can discuss at in channel #future-socr) with minor changes
\nCorp side:
\nRestricted p>\n
\nOff the list
\nRunner side:
\nOff the list