BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1665alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20181124T093000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20181125T235900 URL: LOCATION:Hoge Bothofstraat 39a\, 7511 ZA Enschede\, Netherlands SUMMARY:LaserRunner CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nAll Netrunners are warmly invited to take part in a special a nd likely one time event on the 24th &\; 25th of November: The LaserRun ner weekend\, including King of Lasers. This will be a truly unique event\ , with the usual server hacking and agenda stealing fun\, but more uniquel y:\nLasered identities for all participants!\n\nINFO:\nAll info (including FAQ) at:\n↳\nSee this website for all the latest info.\n\nSaturday: LaserRunner - main event.\nALL participants get 1 lasered ID fitting one of the two decks they are playing. These will be made from acrylic\, wood or more exotic materials\, fitting the specific faction or identity.\nAlways wanted an acrylic Maxx or Hayley\, maybe a wo oden Jinteki ID? It's yours. Or choose an ID I haven't designed so far and be surprised. Here's your chance to make me design a crimson acrylic Apex .\nID's are locked upon registration\, to give me enough time to design\, source materials and actually laser engrave them! Decks themselves can be changed until the event itself. Questions? See the FAQ on the site mention ed above.\nWe'll play all of the main event on this day: Likely 5-6 rounds of Swiss\, followed by a small Top cut.\n\nSunday: King of Lasers - side event.\nComing from afar? Stay for the weekend and play in the King of Las ers side event on Sunday. This is a 3 person team tournament that will fol low the usual rules for a King of Servers style event. Why is it King of L asers? Here's why:\nTop prize on Sunday: The winning team gets 1 copy of e very single ID I've lasered so far. At the moment this includes Maxx\, Hay ley\, Steve\, CTM\, MTI Mwekundu\, PE\, PU\, Titan\, Jemison and ASA. More might be added.\nQuestions? FAQ on the site above will likely cover it. A nd otherwise\, feel free to contact :).\n\nTIMES:\nFRIDAY\nCommunity dinne r / beer &\; pub games\n17.00 - Gather at location\n18.00 - Dinner\nLoc ation: Twentsche Foodhal\, Enschede\nSATURDAY\nLaserRunner - Main event\n0 9.30 - Doors open\n10.15 - Signin closed\n10.30 - Start of first round\nLo cation: Performance Factory (Gebouw Zuid / South building)\, Enschede\nSUN DAY\nKing of Lasers\n9.30 - Doors open\n10.30 - Start of first round\nLoca tion: Performance Factory (Gebouw Zuid / South building)\, Enschede\n\nRUL ES:\n↳ Rules and legal cardpool for Saturday &\; Sunday:\n– MWL: 2 .2\n– Latest legal official pack: Reign &\; Reverie.\n– Legality of Magnum Opus cards: See under.\n– Same legal cardpool as last World Cham pionship\, with Champ cards legal.\n↳ Magnum Opus:\n– World Championsh ip cards: Legal.\n– Player created cards: Not legal.\n– To be clear: “Hired Help” &\; “Watch the World Burn” are not legal.\n↳ Nis ei:\n– We will be using the Nisei Comprehensive Rules doc.\n– If you a re familiar with Nisei: The above is basically the Snapshot format\, with Champ cards legal.\n– We are not playing with SystemCore. We are still w ith RevisedCore.\n– TO &\; Judge: Elwin “Jakuza”\n\nDETAILS:\nSat urday Main event: €20\,-. This includes your ID.\nSunday King of Lasers event: Included with main event.\nFriday Pre event: There will be a beer/f ood tasting pre event with possibility of games if there's enough interest .\nMax cap: Hard capped at 48 players.\nLocation: A hall in the Performanc e Factory\, an awesome venue in the city of Enschede\, next to the local T wentsche Foodhall with 10 different kitchens. Within walking distance of p arking and public transport.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



All Netrunners are warmly invited to take part in a special and likely one time event on the 24th &\; 25th of November: The LaserR unner weekend\, including King of Lasers. This will be a truly unique even t\, with the usual server hacking and agenda stealing fun\, but more uniqu ely:


Lasered identities for all participants!




All info (including FAQ) at:\n↳


See this website for all the latest info.


Saturday: LaserRunner - main event.


ALL participants get 1 lasered ID fitting one of the two decks they are playing. These will be made from acrylic\, wood or more exotic materials\, fitting the specific f action or identity.


Always wanted an acrylic Maxx or Hayley\, mayb e a wooden Jinteki ID? It's yours. Or choose an ID I haven't designed so f ar and be surprised. Here's your chance to make me design a crimson acryli c Apex.


ID's are locked upon registration\, to give me enough time to design\, source materials and actually laser engrave them! Decks thems elves can be changed until the event itself. Questions? See the FAQ on the site mentioned above.


We'll play all of the main event on this da y: Likely 5-6 rounds of Swiss\, followed by a small Top cut.


Sunday: King of Lasers - side event.


Coming from afar? Stay f or the weekend and play in the King of Lasers side event on Sunday. This i s a 3 person team tournament that will follow the usual rules for a King o f Servers style event. Why is it King of Lasers? Here's why:


Top p rize on Sunday: The winning team gets 1 copy of every single ID I've laser ed so far. At the moment this includes Maxx\, Hayley\, Steve\, CTM\, MTI M wekundu\, PE\, PU\, Titan\, Jemison and ASA. More might be added.


Questions? FAQ on the site above will likely cover it. And otherwise\, fee l free to contact :).




FRIDAY\nCommunity dinner / beer &\; pub games\n17.00 - Gather at location \n18.00 - Dinner\nLocation: Twentsche Foodhal\, Enschede


S ATURDAY\nLaserRunner - Main event\n09.30 - Doors open\n10.15 - Si gnin closed\n10.30 - Start of first round\nLocation: Performance Factory ( Gebouw Zuid / South building)\, Enschede


SUNDAY\n King of Lasers\n9.30 - Doors open\n10.30 - Start of first round\nLocation: Performance Factory (Gebouw Zuid / South building)\, Enschede




↳ Rules and legal cardpool for Saturday & amp\; Sunday:\n– MWL: 2.2\n– Latest legal official pack: Reig n &\; Reverie.\n– Legality of Magnum Opus cards: See under.\n– Same legal cardpool as last World Championship\, with Champ cards legal.


↳ Magnum Opus:\n– World Championship cards: Legal. \n– Player created cards: Not legal.\n– To be clear: “Hired Help” &\; “Watch the World Burn” are not legal.


↳ Nisei :\n– We will be using the Nisei Comprehensive Rules doc.\n– I f you are familiar with Nisei: The above is basically the Snapshot format\ , with Champ cards legal.\n– We are not playing with SystemCore. We are still with RevisedCore.


– TO &\; Judge: Elwin “Jakuza”




Saturday Main event: €20\,-. This inclu des your ID.\nSunday King of Lasers event: Included with main event.\nFrid ay Pre event: There will be a beer/food tasting pre event with possibility of games if there's enough interest.


Max cap: Hard capped at 48 p layers.


Location: A hall in the Performance Factory\, an awesome v enue in the city of Enschede\, next to the local Twentsche Foodhall with 1 0 different kitchens. Within walking distance of parking and public transp ort.
