BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1663alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Prague:20181201T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Prague:20181202T235900 URL: ional-championship LOCATION:Kotlářská 989/51a\, 602 00 Brno-střed-Veveří\, Czechia SUMMARY:1st/Last Official Czech National Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Cardpool update: MWL 2.2\, cards up to "\;Magnum Opus"\ ; (new champion cards are allowed\, Community Cards are NOT ALLOWED)\nBord er Control is placed on MWL RESTRICTED LIST\n\nSaturday 1. 12. 2018\nLong day running\n6 Swiss rounds\nSunday 2. 12. 2018\nAlways Be Running\nTOP8 + Cache Refrest side event LINK HERE\nSign up from: 10:00\n1st round start: 11:00\nEntrance fee:\n\n20\,- € (520\,- CZK) for registered player via form (link below) until 28. 11. 2018\n25\,- € (640\,- CZK) for registere d players after 28. 11. 2018 or non-registered players via form\nFee is po ssible to pay by CZK\, EUR\, Credit Card.\n\nRegistration form link: REGIS TRATION FORM\nDecklists: readable\, on paper\, will be collected at regist ration\nPrizes: FFG Nationals Kit 2018 + other surprises as budget allows\ nFood &\; Drinks: is on the place (all players have two vouchers for dr ink). Do not bring your own please. Is possible to pay by CZK and Credit C ard. There is non-alcoholic drinks\, coffee\, beer etc. :-)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Cardpool update: MWL 2.2\, cards up to "\;Magnum Opus"\; (new champion cards are allowed\, < strong>Community Cards are NOT ALLOWED)\nBorder Control strong> is placed on MWL RESTRICTED LIST
\n6 Swiss rounds
\nTOP8 + Cache Refrest side event LINK HERE
\nSign up from: 10:00 \n1st round start: 11:00\nEntrance fee:< /p>\n
Registrat ion form link: REGISTRATION FORM
\nDecklists: readable\, on p aper\, will be collected at registration
\nPrizes: FFG Nationals Kit 2018 + other surprises as budget allows
\nFood &\; Drinks: is on the place (all players have two voucher s for drink). Do not bring your own please. Is possible to pay by CZK and Credit Card. There is non-alcoholic drinks\, coffee\, beer etc. :-)