BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1661alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20181020T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20181020T235900 URL: 2018-the-last-one LOCATION:Korte Houtstraat 13\, 2511 CC Den Haag\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Dutch Netrunner Nationals 2018 - The Last One CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to the Netrunner Dutch Nationals 2018 weekend!\nThe And roid: Netrunner Dutch Nationals of 2018 will be a full weekend of activiti es for people that enjoy the competitive as well as the casual side of And roid: Netrunner. From the 19th till the 21st\, Tabletop Kingdom in the Hag ue will run various Netrunner events with the highlight being the country ’s official National tournament of 2018.\nFor registration information\, scroll all the way down.\n==EVENT INFORMATION==\nFriday 19th of October - Pre-Nationals Party at Tabletop Kingdom\n\nStarts at 18:00.\nLocated at D en Haag\, Korte Houtstraat 13.\nFree entry.\nRandom fun events will be hel d on the day for players to enjoy but you are free to also bring your own cards and play some casual games with random people if you wish to do so.\ nWe will play Charades at the end of the day (around 22:30).\n\n=======\nS aturday 20th of October – Dutch Nationals 2018\n\nDoors open at 10:00 – Event starts at 11:10.\nEntry price at 20\,- E (25\,- E if registering at the location).\nFinal location is to be determined based on total regi strations and will be announced a week before the event. Both possible ven ues are right next to each other though for everybody’s convenience. It will be either at Tabletop Kingdom or at a huge hall of a hotel that is ri ght next to Tabletop Kingdom.\nMain Judge/TO for the event will be Constan tine Kelfecil Chr. Other assistant judges will be announced on the day.\nT he event will run with FFG’s official premier tournament ruleset and the latest MWL and Errata will be legal. We are not expecting any new officia l changes anyway so latest official rulings apply. Legality will be up to R&\;R and MWL 2.0 WITHOUT the new Champ Cards. So basically\, Worlds me ta.\nDecklists must be sent 2 days prior to the event at: kelfecil@hotmail .com\nOR given on the day in paper form to the judge team.\nWe will run 5 to 6 swiss rounds\, depending on attendance.\nFood will be allowed at the venue. You can bring your own and consume it there. Drinks will have to be purchased at the store in-case we play there.\nFull Schedule is as follow s:\nDoors open at 10:00\n10:15 - 11:00 Registrations\n11:10 Announcements\ n(Note: If the tournament runs for 6 Swiss rounds\, then breaks between ro unds will be shorter)\n1st round: 11:30 - 12:30\n2nd round: 12:45 - 13:45\ nLunch break for 20 minutes\n3rd round: 14:05 - 15:05\n4th round: 15:20 - 16:20\n5th round:16:35 - 17:35\nPrize giving - Top 8 players announced\n(A t this point\, everyone is welcome to stay and watch the top cut\, as long as they are quiet or generally do not disturb the players who are still c ompeting.)\n1st Top8 cut round - 18:05 - 18:40\n2nd Top8 cut round - 18:50 - 19:25\n3rd Top8 cut round - 19:35 - 20:10\n4th Top8 cut round - 20:20 - 20:55\n5th Top8 cut round - 21:00 - 21:35\n(Potential 6th Top8 cut round) - 21:40 ¬ until end.\n22:20 or so we should be done and make the final p rize giving ceremony.\n\n=======\nSunday 21st of October – After-Nats To urnament\n\nEntry Price at 5\,- (includes a free drink on registration) (i s not part of the Nationals entry price)\nLocation is Tabletop Kingdom\, K orte Houtstraat 13\nStart at 11:00.\nWill be a special event\, either a Te am event (KOS style) or something else funky. More information on that wil l be available soon.\nWe will run about 4 to 5 rounds of swiss.\n\n======= ==================\n==HOW TO REGISTER==\nVisit this page:\nhttp://tabletop\nVisit the website and enter the pa ssword: NetrunnerNati0nals2018\n\nEntry price for the main event (Saturday 20th) is at 20\,- E (this costs an extra 5\,- if done at the venue)\nEntr y price for the after-Nats event (Sunday 21st) is at 5\,- E (includes free drink at registration)(You can pay for it on the day.)\nAs soon as the pa yment has been done\, you’ll get an e-mail with notification of the paym ent. Please note that this could take up to 5 working days.\n\n(If you rec eive no e-mail reply from the store but you've sent one anyway\, don't wor ry\, you have a reserved spot.)\n=====\nWe look forward to seeing you all there!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The Android: Netrunner Dutch Nationals of 2018 will be a full weekend of activities for people that enjoy the competitive as w ell as the casual side of Android: Netrunner. From the 19th till the 21st\ , Tabletop Kingdom in the Hague will run various Netrunner events with the highlight being the country’s official National tournament of 2018.
\nFor registration information\, scroll all the way down.
\n==EVE NT INFORMATION==\nFriday 19th of October - Pre-Nationals Party at Tabletop Kingdom
\n=======\nSaturday 20th of October – Dutch Nationals 2 018
\n=======\nSunday 21st of October – After-Nats Tournament
\n==HOW TO R EGISTER==\nVisit this page:\n entpage/
\nVisit the website and enter the password: NetrunnerNati0n als2018
\n(If you receive no e-mail reply from the store but you've sent on e anyway\, don't worry\, you have a reserved spot.)
\nWe look forward to seeing you all there!