BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:166alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20161219T063000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20161219T235900 URL: LOCATION:1975 County Road B2 W\, Roseville\, MN 55113\, USA SUMMARY:The ANTI-Meta Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:World Championships are over and\, before we get into Store Cha mpionship season\, this is our chance to dust off our “pet decks\,” ou r “Johny” combos\, and restore a few neglected IDs to their former glo ry.\nBased off the World Championship meta-data\, there is an ID Ban-List exclusive to this tournament. Any ID played by more than 2 participants at Worlds is not allowed in this event.\nThis is the ban-list:\nAnarch:\n*Wh izzard\n*Valencia Estevez\n*MaxX\n*Omar Keung\n*Quetzal\nShaper:\n*Kate “Mac” MacCaffrey\n*Hayley Kaplan\n*Rielle “Kit” Peddler\n*Chaos Th eory\nCriminal:\n*Andromeda\n*Leela Patel\n*Armand “Geist” Walker\n*Ke n “Express” Tenma\nNBN:\n*Controlling the Message\n*SYNC\n*Near-Earth Hub\n*New Angeles Sol\n*Haarpsichord Studios\nHB:\n*Engineering the Future \n*Cerebral Imaging\nWeyland:\n*Blue Sun\n*Gagarin Deep Space\nJinteki:\n* Palana Foods\n*Personal Evolution\n*Replicating Perfection\nAny ID NOT on this list is legal for this tournament. There are no cards other than IDs that are banned.\nOther than the above\, it’s standard tournament rules\ , 3 rounds\, 65 minutes each.\nFree to enter! Prizes for top finishers and a participation prize for each player!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
World Championships are over and\, before w e get into Store Championship season\, this is our chance to dust off our “pet decks\,” our “Johny” combos\, and restore a few neglected IDs to their former glory.
\nBased off the World Championship meta-data \, there is an ID Ban-List exclusive to this tournament. Any ID played by more than 2 participants at Worlds is not allowed in this event.
\nT his is the ban-list:\nAnarch:\n*Whizzard\n*Valencia Estevez\n*MaxX\n*Omar Keung\n*Quetzal
\nShaper:\n*Kate “Mac” MacCaffrey\n*Hayley Kapla n\n*Rielle “Kit” Peddler\n*Chaos Theory
\nCriminal:\n*Andromeda\ n*Leela Patel\n*Armand “Geist” Walker\n*Ken “Express” Tenma
\n< p>NBN:\n*Controlling the Message\n*SYNC\n*Near-Earth Hub\n*New Angeles Sol \n*Haarpsichord Studios\nHB:\n*Engineering the Future\n*Cerebral Im aging
\nWeyland:\n*Blue Sun\n*Gagarin Deep Space
\nJinteki:\n* Palana Foods\n*Personal Evolution\n*Replicating Perfection
\nAny ID NOT on this list is legal for this tournament. There are no cards other th an IDs that are banned.
\nOther than the above\, it’s standard tou rnament rules\, 3 rounds\, 65 minutes each.
\nFree to enter! Prizes for top finishers and a participation prize for each player!