BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1648alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20181003T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20181003T235900 URL: LOCATION:9 Gillygate\, York YO31 7EA\, UK SUMMARY:October Critical Run CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The champ cards\, and Maxwell Errata as well as MWL 2.2 will be in effect for the event\n\n==Sadly due to our alcohol license agreement n o under 18's can be in the café after 19:00==\nWelcome to the Random Enco unter Monthly event for Netrunner.\n#Event Info:#\nPrice: £5\nReg: 6:30pm \nRound 1: 7pm\nNumber of Rounds: 3\nRound time: 60min\nEstimated End time : ~10:15\n#Boring format info and event rules:#\nPlayers must bring 1 Corp Deck and 1 Runner deck\, decks must be sleeved and be MWL2.2 and rotation legal.\nUnofficial Alt art identities are allowed but please bring an off icial one with you as well.\nUnofficial alt art cards are allowed but can only be in your deck at the discretion of the TO. (You are welcome to repl ace installed cards with unofficial alts no matter what though)\nAs with a ll 3rd party game pieces\, legality will be the TOs discretion\, this will only be rejected if they contain overly gory/violent/disturbing/NSFW imag es.\n##Cool Prizes##:\nAs well as official FFG alt arts we also have cool community alt arts in the prize pool!!\nAny questions feel free to contact me by emailing Aki.randomencounter [at] gamil [dot] com\, and hope to see you there.\n\n##--Venue--##\nRandom encounter is on gillygate which is a stones throw away from the minster and about 10-15 min walk from york trai n station:\nDirections can be found here: \nAlso the number 1\, 5A\, and 6 buses stop just outside of the cafe.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The champ cards\, and Maxwell Errat a as well as MWL 2.2 will be in effect for the event




==Sadly due to our alcohol license agreement no under 18's can be in the café after 1 9:00==


Welcome to the Random Encounter Monthly event for Netrunner.


#Event Info:#


Price: £5\nReg: 6:30pm\nRound 1: 7pm\nNumber of Rounds: 3\nRound time: 60min\nEstimated End time: ~10:15\n

#Boring format info and event rules:#


Players must bring 1 Corp Deck and 1 Runner deck\, decks must be sleeved and be MWL2.2 and rota tion legal.


Unofficial Alt art identities are allowed but please b ring an official one with you as well.


Unofficial alt art cards ar e allowed but can only be in your deck at the discretion of the TO. (You a re welcome to replace installed cards with unofficial alts no matter what though)


As with all 3rd party game pieces\, legality will be the T Os discretion\, this will only be rejected if they contain overly gory/vio lent/disturbing/NSFW images.


##Cool Prizes##:


As well as o fficial FFG alt arts we also have cool community alt arts in the prize poo l!!


Any questions feel free to contact me by emailing Aki.randomen counter [at] gamil [dot] com\, and hope to see you there.




Random encounter is on gillygate which is a stones t hrow away from the minster and about 10-15 min walk from york train statio n:


Directions can be found here:< /p>\n

Also the number 1\, 5A\, and 6 buses stop just outside of the cafe .