BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1635alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20180921 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20180924 URL: hip LOCATION:Beggaardenstraat 6\, 2000 Antwerpen\, Belgium SUMMARY:Belgian National Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nIt was dark in her tiny SanSan apartment. In the buggy humidi ty of the night\, she averted her gaze from looking across Breaker Bay to looking over the myriad of virt displays hovering above her personal works hop and frowned. Servers were going down and her connections were jacking out\, like stars disappearing from the nighttime tapestry. She remembered seeing stars once\, when she was only a child. It was a fond memory. Maybe she would have time now\, to leave the megacity and see what other things the world had to offer.\nAs she reached for the power shutdown\, a small blinking light caught the corner of her maker’s eye. Interesting. It see med Caprice was still diverting power to a Jinteki server.\nShe cracked he r knuckles and took a deep breath.\n“One last run\,"\; she whispered . "\;Let’s make this one count.”\nAnnouncing the final officially supported Belgian National Championship for Android: Netrunner.\nDates: Fr iday the 21st through Sunday the 23rd of September\nLocation: Outpost Game center\, Beggaardenstraat 6\, 2000 Antwerp\nEntry Fee: €25\nTO/Judge: Th omas "\;Cluster Fox"\; Van der Cruysse\nFRIDAY\n20:00 – Pub Quiz \nFor those who are arriving on Friday\, we’ll be hosting a Netrunner-th emed quiz and there will be prizes! Preregistration for this event is not necessary\, anyone who shows up can participate. Format and persons per te am will be announced in the coming weeks. The Outpost has a selection of n ice beers and other beverages so it should be a great evening. For those i nterested\, The Outpost has a decent selection of board games that can be played following the quiz\, and I will be bringing New Angeles and Android : Mainframe.\nSATURDAY\n10:30 – Netrunner Sign-ups\nWe are soft-capping registration at 80 participants. Registration costs €25 on the day. Deck lists are mandatory and all cards must be in opaque sleeves. If you did no t sleeve your cards you will be required to purchase sleeves at The Outpos t. Proxies for Reign &\; Reverie cards will be permitted for those who have not been able to purchase it because of the product shortage. If you have made proxies you will be need to show them to the TO to confirm their quality. Proxies must be printed and immediately recognizable as the card they represent\, writing the name of the card and a doodle of the art on a slip of paper will not be permitted. Additionally\, your decks must be c ompliant with rotation and the current Most Wanted List (currently 2.2)\, the MWL can be found here.\n11:00 – Start of Swiss\nWe will be playing f ive rounds of swiss. Everyone will be given a commemorative Belgian Nation als alternate art card. We will break for lunch after Round 2.\n19:00 – BBQ\nNear The Outpost we will be holding an open-air BBQ on one of the cit y’s cozier squares (approx. 10 min walk). Registration for the BBQ is no w closed\, 36 participants\, should be great!\nSUNDAY\n11:00 – Top 8 Cut \n11:20 - Side Events\nCache Refresh tournament. We will provide an assort ment of playmats\, deckboxes\, tokens and alternate art cards as prize sup port. The Cache Refresh card pool for deckbuilding is restricted to the fo llowing:\n1x Revised Core Set\n1x Terminal Directive\n1x Deluxe Expansion box of choice (including Reign &\; Reverie)\nAll the cards from the Red Sands and Kitara cycles\nMWL restrictions still apply.\nMore information on the Cache Refresh format can be found here:\nhttps://images-cdn.fantasy n-2017-limited-info-sheet.pdf\nAdditionally we will be running an 8-player cube draft. If more than eight players sign up\, we will randomly select 8 players to participate. You can sign up for the cube draft on this Googl e Doc:\n 68H-naGh_rbLs/edit?usp=sharing\nEverything you need to know about cube dra fting can be found here\, including the starter cards you need to bring wi th you:\n\nCARD LEGALITY &\; MAG NUM OPUS CARDS\nAll the new cards that were released at Magnum Opus will N OT be legal for tournament play. Unfortunately\, we will also not be able to get sets out for sale because FFG has not yet released the digital high -res versions (what else is new). Apologies.\nPREREGISTRATION\nPreregistra tion is now closed. Don't fret\, you can still pay at the door to particip ate!\nCONTACT\nIf you have any questions\, comments\, ideas\, suggestions\ , criticisms\, additional prize support you'd like to donate or would like to volunteer to help with anything in particular\, you can send me a dire ct message on Facebook (Thomas Van der Cruysse)\, message me on Slack (clu sterfox) or e-mail me at\nAdditionally for Slac k users\, we have created the channel #belgian-nationals for questions or meeting up with other people.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
It was dark in her tiny SanSan apartment. In the buggy humid ity of the night\, she averted her gaze from looking across Breaker Bay to looking over the myriad of virt displays hovering above her personal work shop and frowned. Servers were going down and her connections were jacking out\, like stars disappearing from the nighttime tapestry. She remembered seeing stars once\, when she was only a child. It was a fond memory. Mayb e she would have time now\, to leave the megacity and see what other thing s the world had to offer.\nAs she reached for the power shutdown\, a small blinking light caught the corner of her maker’s eye. Interesting. It se emed Caprice was still diverting power to a Jinteki server.\nShe cracked h er knuckles and took a deep breath.\n“One last run\,"\; she whispere d. "\;Let’s make this one count.”
\nAnnouncing the final off icially supported Belgian National Championship for Android: Netrunner.
\nDates: Friday the 21st through Sunday the 23rd of September\nLocatio n: Outpost Gamecenter\, Beggaardenstraat 6\, 2000 Antwerp\nEntry Fee: €2 5\nTO/Judge: Thomas "\;Cluster Fox"\; Van der Cruysse
\nFRID AY\n20:00 – Pub Quiz\nFor those who are arriving on Friday\, we’ll be hosting a Netrunner-themed quiz and there will be prizes! Preregistration for this event is not necessary\, anyone who shows up can participate. For mat and persons per team will be announced in the coming weeks. The Outpos t has a selection of nice beers and other beverages so it should be a grea t evening. For those interested\, The Outpost has a decent selection of bo ard games that can be played following the quiz\, and I will be bringing N ew Angeles and Android: Mainframe.
\nSATURDAY\n10:30 – Netrunner S ign-ups\nWe are soft-capping registration at 80 participants. Registration costs €25 on the day. Decklists are mandatory and all cards must be in opaque sleeves. If you did not sleeve your cards you will be required to p urchase sleeves at The Outpost. Proxies for Reign &\; Reverie cards wil l be permitted for those who have not been able to purchase it because of the product shortage. If you have made proxies you will be need to show th em to the TO to confirm their quality. Proxies must be printed and immedia tely recognizable as the card they represent\, writing the name of the car d and a doodle of the art on a slip of paper will not be permitted. Additi onally\, your decks must be compliant with rotation and the current Most W anted List (currently 2.2)\, the MWL can be found here.\n11:00 – Start of Swiss \nWe will be playing five rounds of swiss. Everyone will be given a commem orative Belgian Nationals alternate art card. We will break for lunch afte r Round 2.\n19:00 – BBQ\nNear The Outpost we will be holding an open-air BBQ on one of the city’s cozier squares (approx. 10 min walk). Registra tion for the BBQ is now closed\, 36 participants\, should be great!
\n< p>SUNDAY\n11:00 – Top 8 Cut\n11:20 - Side Events\nCache Refresh tourname nt. We will provide an assortment of playmats\, deckboxes\, tokens and alt ernate art cards as prize support. The Cache Refresh card pool for deckbui lding is restricted to the following:\n1x Revised Core Set\n1x Terminal Di rective\n1x Deluxe Expansion box of choice (including Reign &\; Reverie )\nAll the cards from the Red Sands and Kitara cycles\nMWL restrictions st ill apply.\nMore information on the Cache Refresh format can be found here :\n ef7-4a24-af2a-48f773f69782/adn-2017-limited-info-sheet.pdf\nAdditio nally we will be running an 8-player cube draft. If more than eight player s sign up\, we will randomly select 8 players to participate. You can sign up for the cube draft on this Google Doc:\n nt/d/1v2UPPAJqjf7hJPuC_gkMlrkDY2yQ8-68H-naGh_rbLs/edit?usp=sharing\nEveryt hing you need to know about cube drafting can be found here\, including th e starter cards you need to bring with you:\n fting-101/
\nCARD LEGALITY &\; MAGNUM OPUS CARDS\nAll the new car ds that were released at Magnum Opus will NOT be legal for tournament play . Unfortunately\, we will also not be able to get sets out for sale becaus e FFG has not yet released the digital high-res versions (what else is new ). Apologies.
\nPREREGISTRATION\nPreregistration is now closed. Don' t fret\, you can still pay at the door to participate!
\nCONTACT\nIf you have any questions\, comments\, ideas\, suggestions\, criticisms\, ad ditional prize support you'd like to donate or would like to volunteer to help with anything in particular\, you can send me a direct message on Fac ebook (Thomas Van der Cruysse)\, message me on Slack (clusterfox) or e-mai l me at\nAdditionally for Slack users\, we have created the channel #belgian-nationals for questions or meeting up with o ther people.