BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1630alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20180902 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20180903 URL: erman-nationals LOCATION:Düsseldorfer Str. 1\, 40545 Düsseldorf\, Germany SUMMARY:Unofficial Cube Draft at German Nationals! CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Run alongside the cut and Cache Refresh\nUnofficial event!\nFre e entry\, no prize support\, just playing for fun\n6-8 (preferably 8) play ers\nPlease register your interest and I’ll add you to the list\, first come first served! Also please register if there are already 8 people on t he list - some people may end up playing in the cut instead!\nFor further details\, and if you don’t know how a cube draft works\, read on...\nBri ng any corp and runner IDs (they are functionally blank with no influence limit)\nNo need to bring anything else - I’ll make sure there are enough starter cards (using proxies) for everyone.\nStarter cards are:\n5 priori ty requisition\, 2 private contracts\n1 Force of nature\, 1 pipeline\, 1 a urora\, 2 armitage codebusting.\nHow it works:\nDraft runner first\, then corp.\nWe'll play three or four rounds of Swiss.\nEach player builds their deck using the 40 cards in their draft pile and the cards of the correspo nding side from the draft starter. There is no limit to the number of copi es a player can have of a specific card. A player may revise their deck be tween tournament games.\nRunner minimum deck size: 30 cards\nCorp deck siz e and agenda points: 30-34 cards 14-15 points\; 35-39 cards 16-17 points.\ nAll standard Android: Netrunner rules are observed\, except that games ar e played to 6 agenda points\, instead of 7.\nHere are the lists\nFrankfurt runner cube (changes from last version in the notes): https://netrunnerdb .com/en/decklist/51977/frankfurt-runner-cube-v3\nFrankfurt corp cube (chan ges from last version in the notes): 1978/frankfurt-corp-cube-v3\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Run alongside the cut and Cache Refresh


Unofficial event!


Free entry\, no prize support\, just playin g for fun


6-8 (preferably 8) players


Please register your interest and I’ll add you to the list\, first come first served! Also pl ease register if there are already 8 people on the list - some people may end up playing in the cut instead!


For further details\, and if yo u don’t know how a cube draft works\, read on...


Bring any corp and runner IDs (they are functionally blank with no influence limit)


No need to bring anything else - I’ll make sure there are enough star ter cards (using proxies) for everyone.


Starter cards are:


5 priority requisition\, 2 private contracts


1 Force of nature\, 1 pipeline\, 1 aurora\, 2 armitage codebusting.


How it works:

\ n

Draft runner first\, then corp.\nWe'll play three or four rounds of Sw iss.


Each player builds their deck using the 40 cards in their dra ft pile and the cards of the corresponding side from the draft starter. Th ere is no limit to the number of copies a player can have of a specific ca rd. A player may revise their deck between tournament games.


Runne r minimum deck size: 30 cards


Corp deck size and agenda points: 30 -34 cards 14-15 points\; 35-39 cards 16-17 points.


All standard An droid: Netrunner rules are observed\, except that games are played to 6 ag enda points\, instead of 7.


Here are the lists


Frankfurt r unner cube (changes from last version in the notes): https://netrunnerdb.c om/en/decklist/51977/frankfurt-runner-cube-v3


Frankfurt corp cube (changes from last version in the notes): ist/51978/frankfurt-corp-cube-v3