BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1626alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20180908T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20180909T235900 URL: LOCATION:Stanisława Dubois 33/35\, 50-001 Wrocław\, Poland SUMMARY:Nationals Poland 2018 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Where and when: Sept 8th-9th\, Hex Wrocław\, Dubois 33/35\nRou nds: 5 or 6 Swiss rounds on Saturday\, top 8 or top 16 on Sunday\, togethe r with an accompanying event\nRules and cards: FFG tournament rules (Premi er Event level)\, latest FAQ and MWL\, cards rotated out are not allowed\, all up to Reign and Reverie is allowed. Decklists: readable\, on paper\, will be collected at registration.\nSignups and payment: signup via email until August 31st. Signup fee 70 PLN (incl. PLN 20 going back to each player for spending on food and drinks at Hex)\, paid in cash at registration. Foreign currency payment will be allowed in EUR\, CZK and DKK\, equivalent of 70 PLN\, exact amounts will be anounced a few days before the event but I would expect it to be approx EUR 16\,50 \, CZK 420\, DKK 125. Signup limit 46 people\, if it fills quickly we will try to do something to increase it. Signups in September only if there ar e places left\, signup fee increases to PLN 80.\nPrizes: FFG Nationals Kit 2018 + other surprises as budget allows\nSchedule:\nSat 10:00 Hex opens\, registration\n10:40 round 1 starts\n12:00 round 2 starts\n13:20 round 3 s tarts\n15:00 round 4 starts\n16:20 round 5 starts\n17:40 round 6 starts\n1 9:00 day 1 results announcement\nSun 11:00 Hex opens\, registration\n11:30 Games start\nApprox 16:30 Final result announcement\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Where and when: Sept 8th-9th\, Hex Wrocław \, Dubois 33/35


Rounds: 5 or 6 Swiss rounds on Saturday\, top 8 or top 16 on Sunday\, together with an accompanying event


Rules and cards: FFG tournament rules (Premier Event level)\, latest FAQ and MWL\, c ards rotated out are not allowed\, all up to Reign and Reverie is allowed. Decklists: readable\, on paper\, will be collected at registration.


Signups and payment: signup via email unt il August 31st. Signup fee 70 PLN (incl. PLN 20 going back to each player for spending on food and drinks at Hex)\, paid in cash at registration. Fo reign currency payment will be allowed in EUR\, CZK and DKK\, equivalent o f 70 PLN\, exact amounts will be anounced a few days before the event but I would expect it to be approx EUR 16\,50\, CZK 420\, DKK 125. Signup limi t 46 people\, if it fills quickly we will try to do something to increase it. Signups in September only if there are places left\, signup fee increa ses to PLN 80.


Prizes: FFG Nationals Kit 2018 + other surprises as budget allows


Schedule:\nSat 10:00 Hex opens\, registration\n10:4 0 round 1 starts\n12:00 round 2 starts\n13:20 round 3 starts\n15:00 round 4 starts\n16:20 round 5 starts\n17:40 round 6 starts\n19:00 day 1 results announcement\nSun 11:00 Hex opens\, registration\n11:30 Games start\nAppro x 16:30 Final result announcement