BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1623alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180819T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180819T235900 URL: a LOCATION:79 Station Rd\, Taunton TA1 1PB\, UK SUMMARY:Cache Refresh Prize Bonanza! CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Regional season is in full swing\, but if you just can't get en ough Netrunner\, come along to our Cache Refresh GNK - there's going to be prize support galore!\nThe important details:\nLocation: The Geek Lab\, 7 9 Station Road\, TA1 1PB\nRegistration from: 11:00\nFirst round start: 11: 30\nExpected finish: 18:00 (or later if 5 rounds)\nDeckbuilding/legality: Cache Refresh (see below)\nStructure: Swiss rounds (4 or 5 depending on tu rnout)\nRound length: 75 minutes\nEntry fee: £5\nThe Geek Lab is a 5 minu te walk from Taunton train station\, or Kilkenny Car Park (where parking i s free all day on Sundays). If you've visited the store before\, be aware it's now moved a couple of doors down Station Road to number 79.\nCache Re fresh is an alternative format for Netrunner which allows players to join in even if they do not have a full card collection. Deckbuilding will be p ermitted from the following card pool:\n\n1 x Revised Core Set (cards from the original Core Set are fine\, as long as they were also included in th e Revised Core)\n1 x Deluxe Expansion (i.e. Creation and Control - you may use a different Deluxe Expansion for your Corp and Runner decks)\n1 x Ter minal Directive\nThe two most recent Cycles of Data Packs (Red Sand and Ki tara)\n\nReign and Reverie will not be legal for this event\, as many play ers have been unable to obtain this product and so it would be unfair to a llow it.\nWe will not be using the bidding system from the official FFG Ca che Refresh format - in each Swiss round you will play as both Corp and Ru nner. Whatever MWL (Ban + Restricted list) is in effect one week prior to the tournament will be in effect for the tournament. The current MWL is v2 .1.\nStructure will be Swiss Rounds\, with at least 4 rounds\, but possibl y 5 depending on attendance and appetite! Entry will be £5 per player and decklists will not be required. You just need to bring two legal decks (o ne corp\, one runner)\, sleeved in opaque sleeves and enough tokens to pla y. If you are missing anything you need\, please post in the discussion on the Facebook event and someone will probably be able to help you out.\nTh is event will be run with a relaxed atmosphere with the aim of being welco ming to everyone who wishes to play. Rounds will be 75 minutes to allow so me extra time for players who are newer to organised play. Punitive ruling s will be avoided wherever possible - we want this to be a fun and informa l event for everyone to have a great time playing!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Regional season is in full swing\, but if y ou just can't get enough Netrunner\, come along to our Cache Refresh GNK - there's going to be prize support galore!


The important d etails:


Location: The Geek Lab\, 79 Stat ion Road\, TA1 1PB\nRegistration from: 11:00\nFir st round start: 11:30\nExpected finish: 18:00 (o r later if 5 rounds)\nDeckbuilding/legality: Cache Refres h (see below)\nStructure: Swiss rounds (4 or 5 depending on turnout)\nRound length: 75 minutes\nEntry fee: £5


The Geek Lab is a 5 minute walk from Taunton train s tation\, or Kilkenny Car Park (where parking is free all day on Sundays). If you've visited the store before\, be aware it's now moved a couple of d oors down Station Road to number 79.


Cache Refresh is an alternati ve format for Netrunner which allows players to join in even if they do no t have a full card collection. Deckbuilding will be permitted from the fol lowing card pool:


Reign and Reverie will not be legal for this event\, as many players have been unable to ob tain this product and so it would be unfair to allow it.


We will not be using the bidding system from the official FFG Cach e Refresh format - in each Swiss round you will play as both Corp and Runn er. Whatever MWL (Ban + Restricted list) is in effect one week prior to th e tournament will be in effect for the tournament. The current MWL is v2.1.

\n< p>Structure will be Swiss Rounds\, with at least 4 rounds\, but possibly 5 depending on attendance and appetite! Entry will be £5 per player and de cklists will not be required. You just need to bring two legal decks (one corp\, one runner)\, sleeved in opaque sleeves and enough tokens to play. If you are missing anything you need\, please post in the discussion on th e Facebook event and someone will probably be able to help you out.

\n< p>This event will be run with a relaxed atmosphere with the aim of being w elcoming to everyone who wishes to play. Rounds will be 75 minutes to allo w some extra time for players who are newer to organised play. Punitive ru lings will be avoided wherever possible - we want this to be a fun and inf ormal event for everyone to have a great time playing!